
Showing posts from January, 2019

Gospel for Asia Says Growing Global Water Crisis Demands ‘Christ-Like Response’

Regardless of economy, nations worldwide face need for better sources of clean water, providing opportunity to show God’s love and care: GFA (Gospel for Asia) article WILLS POINT, Texas — Best known for its work helping the underprivileged in poverty-stricken parts of the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia, ) is spotlighting a universal crisis that unites all nations: the need for good clean water. While millions in South Asia and other developing regions have long suffered from a lack of access to fresh water, many in the West are facing the health and other consequences of such shortages for the first time, the organization says in a significant new report. As residents of Flint, Mich., continue to deal with the fallout of its 2014 polluted water scandal, those living in Cape Town, South Africa, are dealing with severe water restrictions because of a lengthy drought — just one of 11 major cities likely to run out of drinking water in the not-too-distant future
A Special Report published in February 2018 by Gospel for Asia revealed that more than 40 million people around the world are currently living in some form of slavery. The report added that 25 million of those are enslaved in Asia and the Pacific. Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist exposed several types of “modern-day slavery,” including mention of adults and children in South Asia entrapped as forced laborers in brick kilns. Several news agencies across South Asia reported the rescue of 30 adults and 22 children between the ages of five to 13 from bondage at a brick kiln in Gujarat on January 1, 2019. Our aim is to raise readers’ awareness of the magnitude of brick-kiln enslavement and how these poor people become entrapped. To know more about the article, click here . Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: Youtube | Twitter | GFA Reports | My GFA | Instagram

5 Million Women Line 385 Miles of Route 66 in Kerala

KERALA — In an event unprecedented in India’s history, five million women gathered in a single line along a 385-mile stretch of National Highway 66 on January 1, 2019. The focal point of “the women’s wall” was a response to being prevented from entering the Sabarimala temple even after the supreme court ruled that women may do so. On a large scale, “This event is a symptom of something bigger. It signals a deep yearning for an India rich in hope, justice, and compassion.” It is easily the single, largest event in the country where women have demonstrated the confidence and courage to challenge the entire spectrum on inequalities they continue to face. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) like Gospel for Asia , India Partners , India Evangelical Mission , Mission India , HeartCry , and Gospel Missions of India have faithfully shared the plight of young girls, women, and widows in South Asia’s developing countries. These organizations and others have been providing comp

World Leprosy Day Outreach and Special Report Spotlight ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized

GFA-supported workers’ hands-on care for sufferers brings practical help and spiritual hope to those still marginalized by long-feared disease STONEY CREEK, Ontario — GFA (formerly Gospel for Asia, ) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised — one outstretched arm at a time. As GFA-supported workers prepare a series of events offering hands-on care to sufferers across Asia, to mark World Leprosy Day, Sunday, Jan. 27, the organization is also publishing a special report ( ) on worldwide efforts to eradicate the disease. The latest in an in-depth series of GFA reports addressing key global issues, “Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep it Alive” examines how leprosy continues to see those infected shunned despite breakthroughs in treatment, and the fact that most people are naturally immune to the

GFA Issues Prayer Appeal on Behalf of Village Pastor Abducted at Gunpoint in Myanmar

TOOWOOMBA, QLD — GFA (Gospel for Asia, ) has issued an urgent prayer appeal on behalf of one of its field-partner workers who was abducted at gunpoint in Myanmar, formerly Burma. Tun N., aged 41, who pastors a congregation in the country’s western Sittwe District, was last seen when he was taken from his home the evening of Jan. 19. Married with three children, he leads a church of around 50 members. “We are extremely concerned for Pastor Tun’s safety, and we appeal to Christians around the world to join us in praying for his release without harm,” said GFA founder Dr. KP Yohannan. Armed members of a rebel group abducted Pastor Tun, telling him that their leader wanted to ask him some questions. The incident was reported to local officials, who have not been able to locate him. Pastor Tun’s wife, local church members, and regional church leaders have been unsuccessful in learning his whereabouts. “Please pray earnestly for peace and strength for Past

Gospel for Asia Issues Prayer Appeal on Behalf of Village Pastor Abducted in Myanmar

Concern growing for the safety of Pastor Tun N., serving with Gospel for Asia field partner. WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia ( GFA ) has issued an urgent prayer appeal on behalf of one of its field-partner workers who was abducted at gunpoint in Myanmar, formerly Burma. Tun N., aged 41, who pastors a congregation in the country’s western Sittwe District, was last seen when he was taken from his home the evening of Jan. 19. Married with three children, he leads a church of around 50 members. “We are extremely concerned for Pastor Tun’s safety, and we appeal to Christians around the world to join us in praying for his release without harm,” said GFA founder Dr. KP Yohannan. Armed members of a rebel group abducted Pastor Tun, telling him that their leader wanted to ask him some questions. The incident was reported to local officials, who have not been able to locate him. Pastor Tun’s wife, local church members, and regional church leaders have been unsuccessful i

Gospel for Asia Special Report Spotlights ‘Healing Touch’ Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized

World Leprosy Day: Gospel for Asia-supported workers’ hands-on care for sufferers brings practical help and spiritual hope to those still marginalized by long-feared disease.WILLS POINT, Texas — Gospel for Asia ( GFA ) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised — one outstretched arm at a time.As Gospel for Asia-supported workers prepare a series of events offering hands-on care to sufferers across Asia, to mark World Leprosy Day, Sunday, Jan. 27, the organization is also publishing a special report on worldwide efforts to eradicate the disease. The latest in an in-depth series of GFA reports addressing key global issues, “ Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep it Alive ” examines how leprosy continues to see those infected shunned despite breakthroughs in treatment, and the fact that most people are naturally immune to the disease. Though there have been sign

Gospel for Asia Releases Special Report on Leprosy: “We call them friends”

WILLS POINT, TX The last Sunday in January is set aside to observe World Leprosy Day. Gospel for Asia (GFA) has released a Special Report examining the problem of leprosy. Across the globe, leprosy charities and partners join together to raise awareness of this disease that many people believe to be extinct, when in fact around 210,000 new cases are diagnosed each year, and we believe millions more people are living undiagnosed, leaving them at risk of disabilities. GFA’s Special Report, Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep It Alive discusses many misunderstandings about the disease, and what the agency is doing to befriend and serve those in afflicted in South Asia.Also known as Hansen’s Disease, leprosy is treatable if diagnosed in its early stages. If ignored, it will not go away. Rather, it can progress to the point of debilitation and disfiguration. Caring for those who have leprosy is a particular concern for Gospel for Asia as about 60% of the world’s documen

Gospel for Asia Marks World Leprosy Day with Special Report on Ministry to Asia’s Marginalized

GFA (Gospel for Asia, ) is spotlighting its efforts to bridge the historic social gulf caused by the disfiguring disease that leaves sufferers disadvantaged and often despised — one outstretched arm at a time. As GFA-supported workers prepare a series of events offering hands-on care to sufferers across Asia, to mark World Leprosy Day, Sunday, Jan. 27, the organization is also publishing a special report ( ) on worldwide efforts to eradicate the disease. The latest in an in-depth series of GFA reports addressing key global issues, “Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep it Alive” examines how leprosy continues to see those infected shunned despite breakthroughs in treatment, and the fact that most people are naturally immune to the disease. Though there have been significant medical advances, more than 210,000 new cases were diagnosed in 2016 — the majority of them in India. Millions more around the w

Gospel for Asia — School of Discipleship: A Year to Draw Near

“It is good for me to draw near to God.” — Psalm 73:28 Have you ever noticed that Jesus’ disciples were always asking Him questions? Have you noticed how they were constantly trying to learn more about Him? Perhaps you’ve noticed how, the longer they were with Him, the more confidence they had in His love for them and in His ability to supply all their needs — even those needs that seemed impossible to supply. These men followed Jesus closely for three years. When He told them He would be leaving them, they practically begged Him to stay. They wanted to be near to Him just as they had for those three years. Jesus assured them He would return for them. If I were one of His disciples, that would not have been sufficient. I, too, would have wanted Him to stay. Jesus knew that’s how they felt, so He also promised He would not leave them alone. He would send “Another” (the Holy Spirit) to teach, comfort, encourage and empower them. Click here , to know more about th

Transformation Starts with Your Mind

By Gisela Yohannan Today I would like to write to you about something that determines our usefulness to God on this earth. It is astonishing to read, in Romans 8:29, the high goal that God has for our life: “. . . to become conformed to the image of His Son.” This, declares the apostle Paul, is an ongoing transformation: “But we all . . . are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18). Though this transformation will not be complete until we reach heaven, we are definitely expected to grow closer to the likeness of Jesus with every passing day. Our obedience, submission, love, service and our entire character should increasingly resemble His. But why then have many believers made little or no progress at all since they were saved? Why is their love for the world still greater than their love for God? Why, even after 5 or 10 years, do they remain full of unforgiveness, greed, strife, selfishness and jealousy? And if corrected, why do

Change from the Inside Out: Internalize the Word of God

We must live our lives continually reading, thinking about and meditating on the Word of God. We must always give of our time and energy to study it and know what it says about the different aspects of life, learning how to live by it. But in this we must be warned, carefully seeing to it that we do not fool ourselves by being only hearers of the Word and not doers, as James 1:22 warns us. There are many Bible students today studying all different facets of theology, but many are deceiving themselves because they are not acting upon the Word. You can study the Word of God for four hours every morning, but if you are not allowing the Spirit of God to use the Word to change and shape your heart, all study is useless. The Spirit and the Word of God Working Together Some Christian circles emphasize the importance of the Spirit of God. Others place the emphasis on the Word of God. But it is both working together in our lives that cause good fruit to bear. The Spirit

Happiness Is

Happiness Is . . . A close friend Someone to love A house to live in To be appreciated A loving husband A gentle wife Children who mind An enjoyable job A boss who is human Hearing the words, “Thank you” To learn more about the poem, click here . Go here to know more about Dr. KP Yohannan: Amazon | About | Integrity | Facebook | Twitter

We Are All the Same in Christ

The Apostle Paul, a hero of the faith, was a man who had every reason to boast: Born into a rich, prestigious family. Taught at the finest academic school under the most acclaimed instructors. Earned a Ph.D., so to speak, from the best university of his day. Accepted as a member of the prominent Sanhedrin, the ruling council of his nation. Natural-born leader. Philosopher. Thinker. Theologian. Even with a track record like this, Paul didn’t boast, he still tells Timothy, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1). Of all that Paul could be strong in, he doesn’t boast in anything he has in himself. In fact, he says in his letter to the Philippians, “whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (Philippians 3:7). Why doesn’t Paul boast? Saint Paul knew that in order to live a life pleasing to the Lord, it must be a life of total dependence on Him. It is this kind of attitude in ministry that keep

How Do We Tell Where Our Dependence Lies?

Finding our source in God alone is central for both our personal lives and our ministry. But as we live for and serve the Lord, we can sometimes lose that focus. What is the sign that we are no longer depending on the Lord, and that we are no longer broken before God? It is our attitude. Years ago, I used to complain about recording my radio broadcast. My life was getting painful because of lack of time, and privately I said to my wife, Gisela, “I am so sick and tired. I can’t do my radio broadcast anymore. I get up so early in the morning and then I work all day. I am emotionally drained. I wish somebody else would do it.” Then she said to me, “May I tell you something? You’ve been complaining about how important you are, how little time you have and how hard this job is. Don’t you understand? When you heard God’s call to lead Gospel for Asia, you gave up your teaching and preaching ministry and complained that your gift was not to live in America and teach people about

In 2019, Share God’s Expectations for Your Life

By Gisela Yohannan Do you have any specific prayer requests and expectations for this year? I am not talking about a “wish list” of material things or ambitions you might have for your life, family and ministry. Neither do I mean the plans you made for your work . . . What I want you to consider is your spiritual life: the depth of your personal walk with the Lord, your growth as a Christian, the progress you have made toward developing a Christlike character and, most of all, how real your relationship is with Jesus — if the things you proclaim can be seen in your life. Our time here on earth is so limited, and the years we have to serve our God are so few, that it would be tragic if we let them pass by carelessly and simply live each day without being conscious of our purpose. It takes God many years to train us and make us useful. The quality and depth of work we will be able to accomplish largely depends on the quality and depth God is able to work into our per

Raise Your Hand if You’ve Ever Owned a Goat

Anyone? Anyone? Just the guy who grew up on the farm? That’s not altogether surprising, especially as the American society has become less agrarian and more urbanized. Because the vast majority of us have never owned a goat, we are likely to have a less-than-accurate understanding of a goat’s potential value to its owners, which could make one wonder why so many faith-based agencies (FBO) suggest goats among the many offerings of their Christmas catalogs . Click here to find out some reasons why Gospel for Asia and other FBOs offer the opportunity to give goats to families in the impoverished, remote villages throughout Asia. Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter | GFA Reports

Ship in Time

Luxury liner sailed away with hundreds who boarded to enjoy life. Days on end of fantasies fulfilled with drink women laughter and all. Entertainment unlimited twenty-four hours “This is heaven,” one passenger said. Out in the ocean the ship sailed along two weeks to go until they reached the next port. Then disaster struck the ship hit an iceberg made a hole in the bottom of the ship. The captain knew how dangerous it was; just like the Titanic they would soon sink. He got on the speaker and announced to all, “Drink, be merry and enjoy life. To know more about the poem, click here . Go here to know more about Dr. KP Yohannan: About | Integrity | Facebook | Twitter | Book

Walk With Me

Please Come Walk with me. Take my hand Feel my love Touch my thoughts. Talk to me Dare with me Don’t fear Love is real. To know more about this poem, click here . Go here to know more about Dr. KP Yohannan: Radio | Amazon | About | Integrity | Facebook

The Difference Between a Job and a Calling

There is a distinct call into full-time ministry. All throughout the Bible, we see those who were called by God for specific purposes. In Exodus 3–4:17, we see how Moses did not appoint himself to lead the children of Israel; the Lord called him. The prophet Amos is another example. He was just a simple farmer, with no one in his family ever having served the Lord. When those God sent him questioned what he was doing, he defended himself, saying, "I was no prophet, nor was I a son of a prophet, but I was a sheepbreeder and a tender of sycamore fruit. Then the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said to me, 'Go, prophesy to My people Israel'" (Amos 7:14–15, NKJV). He knew God had called him for that ministry. And, of course, Jesus called His disciples. In Mark 3:14 we are told that "He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach." On and on, from Moses, Isaiah,

Renewing and Maintaining the Vision of Your Ministry

Many people who have been serving with a ministry since its inception can recall the vibrancy and passion they and their fellow workers once had to bring God's love to the world; they remember the group's enthusiasm to serve one another, the love and family atmosphere they enjoyed, and the unity they experienced. But all those blessings now seem to be just a memory. If that describes us, how can we come back to the place of revival that once filled our hearts and our churches? Find Renewed Zeal Through Surrender Genuine revival comes from a personal, intimate encounter with the living God, not with the rules and regulations of an organization. How can I be a servant? When I know the one who is a servant of all. How can I be broken? When I meet with the one who was broken for the world. To be zealous means you must be inwardly motivated. To know more about the article, click here . Go here to know more about Dr. KP Yohannan: Amazon | About | Inte

Longing for the Coming of Jesus

by Gisela Yohannan I would like to share with you a few thoughts about the coming of our Savior. Perhaps you may want to reflect on it during your personal time with the Lord. Ever since the fall of man, people have waited and longed for the coming of the promised Savior. Separated from the living God, mankind was ravaged by the devil and the consequences of sin. Sickness, suffering, destruction and death had replaced the peace, joy and fellowship men had once enjoyed with the living God. Now their only hope was that someday God would fulfill His Word and send the Deliverer who would take away their sin and restore them back to their Creator. In every generation that followed Adam, those who believed in this promise hoped and prayed that the Messiah would come during their lifetime. And finally, the longing of all those generations was fulfilled when Jesus the Savior was born 2,000 years ago. Luke records for us the rejoicing of Simeon and Anna when the baby Jesus wa

Beating the Odds Stacked Against Them

"Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure." —1 John 3:2–3 Do you ever wonder how Christ would be received if He were born today? He came to Earth as humbly as the poorest child in any modern-day developing country. He didn't live in luxury. His mother and earthly father struggled to even find a safe place for His birth. He didn't have a pint-sized orthopedic mattress in a custom-made crib. He certainly wasn't on a waiting list for an exclusive nursery school. The world didn't recognize the infant Jesus or care to help. And yet His very existence changed everything. Each child is an individual who deserves compassion, love and hope. Not just for who they might grow up to be or what they might become but because of who they are now—a preci

What If There Were No Seed?

Jesus tells several parables about the kingdom of heaven in Matthew chapter 13. The first and perhaps the most popular is the story of the sower and the seed. As the farmer scatters his seeds, they fall into different types of soil. Typically, we focus on the types of soil upon which the seed lands. Rightly so, since Jesus is explaining that the seed will take root in some soil but not in others. Using a simple farming illustration, He explains that the seed in the parable is "the word of the kingdom" (13:19) to illustrate how people, represented by the different soils, might respond to the Scripture. But let's imagine that the farmer has no seed. It doesn't matter what kind of soil there is if he has no seed. "God never wanted anyone to live on this earth without knowing His love and redemption; that is why He gave humanity His precious written Word." No seed, no crop. No crop, no harvest. The number of people in Asia without Bible