We Are All the Same in Christ

The Apostle Paul, a hero of the faith, was a man who had every reason to boast:
  • Born into a rich, prestigious family.
  • Taught at the finest academic school under the most acclaimed instructors.
  • Earned a Ph.D., so to speak, from the best university of his day.
  • Accepted as a member of the prominent Sanhedrin, the ruling council of his nation.
  • Natural-born leader. Philosopher. Thinker. Theologian.
Even with a track record like this, Paul didn’t boast, he still tells Timothy, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1).

Of all that Paul could be strong in, he doesn’t boast in anything he has in himself. In fact, he says in his letter to the Philippians, “whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ” (Philippians 3:7).

Why doesn’t Paul boast?

Saint Paul knew that in order to live a life pleasing to the Lord, it must be a life of total dependence on Him. It is this kind of attitude in ministry that keeps us on a healthy course, honoring God and producing fruit that lasts.

Timothy was the complete opposite — in temperament and in every other way — from Paul:
  • He was young, sick and weak.
  • His family background was messed up — a Jewish mother and a Gentile father.
  • He was most likely from a low caste.
  • He was a “betrayer” to the Greeks and “nothing but a dog” to the Jews.
But Paul thought Timothy’s background was wonderful! Why? Because Timothy knew he was of the least and the lowest — he had nothing of himself to boast in. God could easily use him to bring all the glory to Himself.

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