Gospel for Asia — School of Discipleship: A Year to Draw Near

“It is good for me to draw near to God.” — Psalm 73:28

Have you ever noticed that Jesus’ disciples were always asking Him questions? Have you noticed how they were constantly trying to learn more about Him?

Perhaps you’ve noticed how, the longer they were with Him, the more confidence they had in His love for them and in His ability to supply all their needs — even those needs that seemed impossible to supply.

These men followed Jesus closely for three years. When He told them He would be leaving them, they practically begged Him to stay. They wanted to be near to Him just as they had for those three years.

Jesus assured them He would return for them. If I were one of His disciples, that would not have been sufficient. I, too, would have wanted Him to stay. Jesus knew that’s how they felt, so He also promised He would not leave them alone. He would send “Another” (the Holy Spirit) to teach, comfort, encourage and empower them.

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