
Showing posts from March, 2019

GFA World To Drill Over 4,000 "Jesus Wells" in Asia's Most Thirsty Hotspots

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregg Wooding @ 972–567–7660 World Water Day on March 22 Spotlights Chronic Water Shortages, Issues Call to “Leave Nobody Behind” STONEY CREEK, Ontario– Faith-based humanitarian agency GFA World (formerly: Gospel For Asia) today announced plans to drill more than 4,000 of its unique “Jesus Wells” in the most needy communities this year, as World Water Day on March 22 spotlights the struggle to satisfy the world’s growing thirst. GFA ( ) — a leading provider of clean water in Asia’s most thirsty hotspots — has helped drill thousands of wells and supply tens of thousands of household BioSand water filters where water shortages are most critical. World Water Day highlights the vital importance of access to clean drinking water as a basic human right — this year under the theme “leaving no one behind.” “Absolutely no one should be left behind when it comes to the most basic need of life 

Measuring Ministry on the Mission Field

“A sustainable outcome is the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely.”  — Sustainability Outcomes “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”  — Peter Drucker, business leader and author WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) — The two opening quotes are truths that cannot be ignored whether improving your golf game, building a business or managing a ministry. Imagine a golfer not counting his strokes. Not only would he not know his score, he would not know if he was improving his game as he played more rounds. We usually think of measuring quantity. How many of this do we have, or how many of that did we give? However, measuring for the success and sustainability of a ministry must also consider quality. Measuring results is absolutely imperative to determine what a ministry must do to grow. If a golfer is three-putting every green, he knows that he can cut 18 strokes off his game by improving his putting until he can two-putt every

Dying of Thirst: The Global Pure Water Crisis (#3 by Gospel for Asia)

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report #1 —  Discussing the world’s quest for access to pure water that is safe to drink. India: Success and Challenge In recent decades, India has emerged as a global economic powerhouse. It is now the seventh-largest economy in the world by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) [27] and at least the fourth largest in purchasing power parity. [1] Much of this success stems from the technology field, India’s fastest-growing sector. Information technology, process outsourcing and software services are among the country’s booming industries. India is suffering the worst water crisis in its history. But success is accompanied by great challenges. India is home to about 1.34 billion people and is still growing. Its population, now the world’s second largest, [2] is projected to overtake China’s as early as 2024. [3] This has placed unprecedented stress on the country’s water resources, which are already stretched to meet t

‘Dying of Thirst’: New Report Highlights Global Water Crisis

Urgent Action Needed Now to Combat Deadly Waterborne Diseases and Critical Water Shortage, Says GFA World STONEY CREEK, Ontario —  An eye-opening report from GFA (formerly Gospel for Asia), a leading faith-based humanitarian agency, has revealed key new insights into a critical survival issue — what experts are calling a “worldwide water crisis” that threatens to get worse. “The water crisis the world is facing isn’t going to get any better,” said Dr. KP Yohannan, GFA founder. “We need to start thinking seriously about these things now to prepare ourselves and future generations for the challenges we will face in the days to come, so we can be better equipped to handle them.” The growing water crisis will have the most devastating impact on the nearly 2 billion people who live in desert regions, who currently share only 2 percent of the planet’s usable water, according to the report released today by GFA World ( ). The report projects the crisis will dee

God’s Calling Doesn’t Involve Superstars

Choose to be Called While none of us can dictate who God does or does not call, there are plenty of things we can begin to do to equip ourselves when our calling does come. Because we are all called to live worthy of the calling we have received, we all have been called to live a higher life. But you might ask… “What if I’m not good enough? What if I’m not especially talented or skilled?” But good news! God does not need superstars. A man in Asia reads his bible while taking a break from work. Take it from an insider Take it from Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan, the founder of Gospel for Asia (GFA). After serving in ministry for over forty years, this is what he had to say about being “somebody:” In my own life I have seen time and again how God uses “nobodies.” Dr. KP Yohannan has gone through insecurities, struggles, and failures. And yet, often to his surprise, he finds that God still uses him to accomplish His will! Click here to read the rest of the a

Evangelical Atheism: Evangelical in Word, Atheists at Heart

Years ago, friends and I experimented with designing listening groups. These small groups with three or four participants met once a month for seven months. Basically, we listened to one another for two hours. After a time of centering prayer where we became stilled and focused, the first person would begin and share where he or she was in life. When the first person was done, we would go back into silence, and the only way we could respond to the one who had spoken after those short moments of quiet was to ask questions. This pattern continued until we had gone around the group. Over seven years, I led some 250 people in listening groups and was amazed by the remarkable growth I saw in many of the attendees. I also was transformed in unexpected ways; I certainly became convinced of the healing power that exists when humans feel heard and understood. We always take the first session of a listening group to get to know one another a little so that we are not complete st

Dying of Thirst: the Global Clean Water Crisis

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on the global clean water crisis: Discussing the crucial quest for access to clean drinking water. The widespread lack of clean water is a crisis we can’t ignore. Photo credit  Giacomo Pirozzi, UNICEF The statistics are mind-numbing. 502,000 people die each year from diarrhea—caused by unsafe drinking water. [1] 2.1 billion people have no access to safely managed drinking water. [2] 159 million people get their drinking water directly from surface water sources. [3] 263 million must travel more than 30 minutes daily to collect their water. [4] Safe drinking water is something most of us take for granted. But for millions of people, the only water they have is contaminated. And millions more are at risk of having no water at all. According to the United Nations, 1.9 billion people (27 percent of the world’s population) live in “potentially severely water-scarce” areas. [5] They wake up each morning

Gospel for Asia Spotlights Chronic Water Shortages during World Water Day March 22nd

GFA’s Unique “Jesus Wells” Aim to Quench Thirst of Suffering Communities in Asia WILLS POINT, Texas (PRUnderground) March 20th, 2019 Faith-based humanitarian agency GFA today announced plans to drill more than 4,000 of its unique “Jesus Wells” in the most needy communities in Asia this year, as World Water Day on March 22 spotlights the struggle to satisfy the world’s growing thirst. GFA (Gospel for Asia, ) — a leading provider of clean water in Asia’s most thirsty hotspots — has helped drill thousands of wells and supply tens of thousands of household BioSand water filters in Asia where water shortages are most critical. World Water Day highlights the vital importance of access to clean drinking water as a basic human right — this year under the theme “leaving no one behind.” “No one should be left behind when it comes to the most basic need of life — not just water, but clean water,” said GFA founder Dr. KP Yohannan. “Our goal is to provide a long-t

Just a Teaspoon of Water – Gospel for Asia Discusses World Water Day

LONDON – Millions of families in abject poverty, especially those living in the 10/40 window across Africa and Asia are unlikely to have access to clean drinking water. Therefore, they suffer the most. This is and has been an issue close to the heart of Gospel for Asia for most of its 40 years. Gospel for Asia has published a special report for the past two years in coordination with World Water Day . This year’s report, “ Dying of Thirst: The Global Water Crisis ,” is available online. WaterAid, the leading clean water`NGO in the world is consistently focused on its goal of equipping people with clean water. Working alongside other agencies, WaterAid has helped to provide 1.3 million people with clean water. WaterAid publishes news and updates on the global water`crisis on a regular basis and also typically publishes a special report annually on water`scarcity in conjunction with World Water`Day. That report, “ Beneath the Surface: The State of the World’s Water 2019 ” is als

Dying of Thirst: The Global Water Crisis (#2 by Gospel for Asia)

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report Part 2– Discussing the global water crisis and the quest for access to clean water. A mother cares for her son who is being treated for cholera at a UNICEF-supported cholera treatment center in Baidoa, Somalia Photo by  Mackenzie Knowles-Coursin, UNICEF Waterborne Diseases Caused by the Global Water Crisis Even under normal conditions, people in many regions are exposed to life-threatening diseases from their water, including typhoid, polio and hepatitis A . Among the most common waterborne diseases is diarrhea , which can be caused by any of several pathogens. It kills about 1.5 million children every year, more than 80 percent of them in Africa and South Asia. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 88 percent of those deaths are caused by unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. [1] Diarrheal diseases kill by depleting the body’s fluids, often very rapidly. Children are most vulnerable bec

One Story Among Millions Suffering in the Slums

“In our world, one in eight people live in slums. In total, around a billion people live in slum conditions today.”  — UN-Habitat Slum Almanac 2015–2016. Upon reading this fact, my mind almost shut down. An eighth of the world’s population? [1] It seems absurd, but apparently, it is the truth. The reality for those living in slums is harsher than what is reported. Maisie (not pictured) is among millions living in slums. Gospel for Asia-supported workers seek to bring them the love and hope of God. The Slums: An Explanation Firstly, what exactly are slums? Merriam Webster defines “slums” as “a densely populated usually urban area marked by crowding, run-down housing, poverty, and social disorganization.” [2] Little to no basic utilities exist in slums. Sanitation facilities, clean water, medical provision are inadequately present in these urban areas. Diseases run rampant, with little to no prevention. [3] Slum dwellers suffer under these harsh and brutal condi

Empower Gospel for Asia Supported National Missionaries With Prayer

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia: GFA-supported national missionaries need us to stand beside them for enablement and empowerment, whether they serve in a slum, a remote mountain community or a village for outcasts. Let’s think for a minute what enablement and empowerment mean and put them into perspective as they relate to Gospel for Asia-supported national missionaries. Enablement The root word in enablement is “able.” Enablement intrinsically refers to providing means or opportunity to make something possible or practicable. When people support or give to GFA, they help GFA’s field partners provide the training, literature, equipment and living expenses to make their ministries possible and practicable. Empowerment We believe that empowerment is, by far, more important than enablement. Without empowerment, national missionaries would be ineffective representing Jesus to the thousands of people in Asia. Their ability to establish fellowships and transform co

Dying of Thirst: The Global Clean Water Crisis (#1 by Gospel for Asia)

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report #1 —  Discussing the world’s quest for access to clean water that is safe to drink. Photo credit  Giacomo Pirozzi, UNICEF The statistics are mind-numbing. 502,000 people die each year from diarrhea — caused by unsafe drinking water. [1] 2.1 billion people have no access to safely managed drinking water. [2] 159 million people get their drinking water directly from surface water sources. [3] 263 million must travel more than 30 minutes daily to collect their water. [4] Safe drinking water is something most of us take for granted. But for millions of people, the only water they have is contaminated. And millions more are at risk of having no water at all. According to the United Nations, 1.9 billion people (27 percent of the world’s population) live in “potentially severely water-scarce” areas. [5] They wake up each morning knowing they must fight to survive. For those of us who enjoy ready access to clea

7 Reasons Unsponsored Children Need Our Help

“The poor do not need our compassion or our pity, they need our help .”  — Mother Theresa It is almost impossible for us to understand the magnitude of the needs of the children of South Asia and their families needing the assistance and intervention of Gospel for Asia (GFA) and others. How bad can their life be? Frankly, their lives are much worse than most of us can even begin to imagine. Oh, you’ve heard the appeals over and over again from Gospel for Asia, Save the Children, Compassion International, World Vision, and a seemingly endless number of NGOs who are committed to reaching out to those living in extreme poverty who are considered the lowest of the low in their home countries. But there are literally millions of precious, innocent children suffering indignities at levels we fail to comprehend. So, let us explain a few reasons these children need our help. 1. They are considered outcasts. Our national missionaries go into the urban slums and remote

Stigma & Misunderstandings Keep Leprosy Alive (Gospel for Asia #3)

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report #3: Discussing why leprosy remains, despite it being a curable worldwide issue. Gospel for Asia Gives Leprosy Patients Food, Income-generating Gifts, Education and More A GFA-supported Bridge of Hope center located within an area known for leprosy is providing free education, food, medical care and love for children from impoverished families, several of whom are touched by leprosy. While these children of leprosy patients may otherwise be rejected from schools or tolerated at a distance, they are welcomed and loved at Bridge of Hope. National workers and believers in congregations in the nations GFA serves are helping break the stigma and social rejection experienced by leprosy patients. People affected by Hansen’s Disease are invited into churches and homes. They are hugged. They are fed. They are shown the respect and dignity we, as Christ’s followers, believe every human being deserves. These children, many of

Gospel for Asia’s “Jesus Wells” Aim to Quench Thirst of Suffering Communities in Asia

Gospel for Asia Spotlights Chronic Shortages of Clean Drinking Water During World Water Day March 22nd WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based humanitarian agency Gospel For Asia today announced plans to drill more than 4,000 of its unique “Jesus Wells” in the most needy communities in Asia this year, as World Water Day on March 22 spotlights the struggle to satisfy the world’s growing thirst. Gospel for Asia’s Jesus Wells are bringing clean water to thousands of remote villages in Asia’s arid hotspots. GFA ( ) — a leading provider of clean water in Asia’s most thirsty hotspots — has helped drill thousands of wells and supply tens of thousands of household BioSand water filters in Asia where water shortages are most critical. World Water Day highlights the vital importance of access to clean drinking water as a basic human right — this year under the theme “leaving no one behind.” “Absolutely no one should be left behind when it comes to the most basic need of li

Walk in Jesus’ Shoes and Live in Prayer for the Countless Unreached

When I first came to the United States, I visited a large, well-known church where the pastor announced an evening prayer meeting. I came early that night, genuinely concerned that I might not find a place in the sanctuary. Serving on the mission field, I had learned that, as a follower of Christ, prayer was the most important factor in life. I had no doubt that the churches in America were praying churches and eagerly looked forward to the meeting. That evening I waited and waited for the thousands of believers I had seen in the morning to come and intercede for the pastor, the church and the mission field, but in the end only seven showed up . It was an experience I will never forget. As you read news reports about tragic events, put yourself in the place of the people involved. You will feel their pain, desperation and their hopelessness at not knowing the name of Jesus. My dear friend, you will be able to weep for them, and God will be pleased to answer your prayer on the

Raining Again

Memories of my past make me wish I was little again. — Dr. KP Yohannan It is monsoon again I sit alone on my bed looking through the window watching the downpour. It is late afternoon the sky is angry and dark the wind is blowing strong a tree branch has fallen. Lightning shoots through the sky thunder roars the earth shakes I am scared. My mind travels back in time thinking of my childhood when I was a young boy going to school. To know more about this poem, click here . Learn more about Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan: Facebook | Radio | Twitter | OnePlace | Sermon Index | Goodreads | Amazon | About | Integrity | Book

A Small Country Church Serving a Great Big God

PLEASANTVILLE, PA — There’s a mansion just over the hilltop from the place where the first functioning oil well in the United States was drilled. That mansion has been described as “A small country church serving a great big God.” The church is located outside of Pleasantville, Pennsylvania, just down the road a piece from Titusville. A replica of the Drake Well that struck oil in 1859 still stands, but the oil stopped flowing long ago. Over yonder on a hilltop outside Pleasantville, stands The Full Gospel Church of Pleasantville. The church was built exactly 100 years after the Drake Well, and the river of life has been flowing freely and abundantly from the Word of God ever since. Given the density of the Allegany Mountains and the sparse population in that part of Western Pennsylvania, the church may never appear on an earthly list of mega-churches. That’s okay. Churches shouldn’t be measured by the size of their buildings or their congregations. The Bible is re

Gospel for Asia Responds to the Question: What is a Jesus Well Worth?

If someone were to ask what a Gospel for Asia Jesus Well is worth, the most popular response from faithful followers of our work might be “$1,400.” That’s because we consistently remind our family of believers that a gift of $1,400 can fund the building of a brand-new Jesus Well. However, $1,400 is what it costs Gospel for Asia to install a well in drought-ridden villages across South Asia. The value of a Jesus Well is something entirely different. [1] Defining the Value of a Jesus Well Whether we realize it or not, we make nearly all of our purchases based on the value proposition of a business transaction. For example, if someone is buying a new tire for their car, their buying decision will take into account the expected length of time they intend to own the car. If they plan on trading the car in the near future, most people will choose to purchase a less expensive tire than they would if they were planning to keep the car for a long time. Price is an issue, but th

Leprosy: Misunderstandings & Stigma Keep it Alive (Gospel for Asia #2)

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report – Discussing the misunderstandings and social stigma that are kept alive toward leprosy patients, despite the disease being a curable worldwide problem. Sakshi, who ministered to leprosy patients, once had leprosy herself before Jesus healed her. Misunderstanding Leprosy: ‘I Deserve This Disease’  Sakshi was rejected by her family when, as a teenager, she found out she had leprosy.  Read her story » “Don’t open my bandage!” the leprosy patient cried out. For years the patient believed it was because of their sin that the destructive disease controlled their body. Now, they thought they must suffer and settle with bearing it alone. But after the leprosy patient’s exclamation, Sakshi, a GFA-supported missionary, revealed her own hands and feet to the patient, deformity clearly marking what leprosy’s nerve killing illness left behind. “No, no, this is not some sin,” Sakshi said. “I myself have gone through this

Pearl S. Buck’s Insight into Missions and How She Came to It

Most people who know of Pearl S. Buck remember her as the author of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. It was assigned reading for many Baby Boomers. The book was the Western world’s first accurate representation of life in China. Mrs. Buck was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Literature for “notable works which pave the way to a human sympathy passing over widely separated racial boundaries . . .” Pearl S. Buck had a vision of a better approach to foreign missions than what she was accustomed to. In 1932, just one year after publishing The Good Earth, the prolific author wrote a non-fiction work entitled Is There a Case for Foreign Missions? that challenged the conventional approach to missionary work in her time. As is the case in many instances when someone challenges the status quo, her idea was revolutionary. Her idea was so far ahead of its time that it would be more than 50 years before evangelical churches would become receptive. By that time, Mr

Gospel for Asia: Urgent Action Needed to Combat Global Water Crisis

‘Dying of Thirst’ Special Report Says Urgent Action Needed to Combat Deadly Waterborne Diseases and Critical Water Shortage. WILLS POINT, TX — An eye-opening report from Gospel for Asia (GFA), a leading faith-based humanitarian agency, has revealed key new insights into a critical survival issue — what experts are calling a “worldwide water crisis” that threatens to get worse. Gospel for Asia’s Jesus Wells supply clean water in the remotest villages — saving thousands of lives. “The water crisis the world is facing isn’t going to get any better,” said Dr. KP Yohannan, Gospel for Asia (GFA) founder. “We need to start thinking seriously about these things now to prepare ourselves and future generations for the challenges we will face in the days to come, so we can be better equipped to handle them.” The growing water crisis will have the most devastating impact on the nearly 2 billion people who live in desert regions, who currently share only 2 percent of the planet’s u

What’s the Best Way to Pray?

What’s the Most Effective Way to Pray? There have been numerous books and sermons that have been published that claim to teach us how to pray. Some stipulate that we need more faith. Others say that we must follow a certain formula. Prayer is God’s designated way for us to communicate and speak with Him. He did not design it to be complicated or convoluted, but instead it ought to be simple and sincere. So how should we pray? Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan, founder of the international ministry Gospel for Asia, shares some tips that have aided him throughout his 40 plus years of serving that have been instrumental in establishing an unshakable prayer life. Prayer isn’t all that complicated. Dr. KP Yohannan shares with us some invaluable insight he has learned through his many years of serving in the ministry. 3 Ways to Pray Pray with absolute confidence that God is on our side As we set out to pray, oftentimes we approach God with doubts about our own standing be

10 Insightful Quotes from Dr. KP Yohannan

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”  — Luke 6:45 On the occasion of Gospel for Asia’s 40thanniversary, being celebrated throughout 2019, Missions Box would like to share some of the most compelling words spoken by GFA founder, Dr. KP Yohannan, throughout his four decades of ministry. When we consider the good treasure that has come forth from the abundance of his heart, we can understand why the Lord has used him and the ministry of Gospel for Asia so abundantly for these past 40 years. “When our service for the Lord becomes so busy that we forget the Lord Himself, it is time to stop everything and seek Him.” — The Lord’s Work Done in the Lord’s Way “Discipline, pain, sacrifice and suffering are rewarded with fame and fortune in the world. Why then do we refuse to accept it as a normal part of giving spiritual bi

Video Update: Indira’s Story — Kerala India Flood Survivor

Indira is a mother of three who lost everything in the Kerala India Floods. Hear her heart-wrenching story and see what once was her home. Please continue praying for the recovery and rebuilding of these precious families. Give to the Disaster Relief Fund Help Disaster Relief teams serve survivors of flooding and other disasters. Donations to support GFA’s disaster relief work in Kerala can be made at . To know more about this article, click here . Go here to know more about Gospel for Asia: Radio | About | Integrity | Facebook | Lawsuit