
Showing posts from November, 2018

Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights (Part 3 by Gospel for Asia)

Wills Point, Texas – GFA Special Report ( Gospel for Asia ) –  Discussing the large and small scale efforts and solutions to end inequality, social injustice, grinding poverty, human rights violations, that continues to exist, affecting millions of women, men and even children. Small Steps, Big Change In the face of such enormous inequalities, it can be difficult to know how to respond and where to start. But just as the problem of social injustice is not really a single, abstract issue so much as the many individuals it affects, so ending inequality is about changing personal circumstances as well as addressing the structures that allow inequality to continue. That sort of action is taking place on large and small scales. At one end of the spectrum, the World Bank is supporting a $63 million empowerment project in Jharkhand, India, which aims to help adolescent girls and young women complete secondary-level education and acquire job skills. A microfinance loan enable

Is the Global Talent Crisis a New Opportunity to Share the Gospel?

ATLANTA – The good news is that Jesus Christ has come to seek and to save the lost. Each and every follower of Jesus has been commissioned by Him to continue sharing all that He taught so that unreached people will see His great love and come to God the Father through Him. (See Matthew 28:18-20 and John 14:6) Revolutionary change in global missions Each generation over the past 2,000 years has faced unique challenges in sharing the Gospel. In every generation, the Lord has raised up individuals with a vision of how to more effectively reach the unreached, either in a specific region or across the entire globe. The Lord gave  Dr. K.P. Yohannan  a ground-breaking vision for a much-needed change in the methodology of foreign missions over 40 years ago. He wrote and published  Revolution in World Missions , a book so powerful and important that over four million copies are now in print and the pattern he proposed is now used by countless faith-based, outreach ministries. That bo

Gospel for Asia Christmas Gift Catalog Now Available

WILLS POINT, TX – Christmas is coming. Once again we have the opportunity to share the love of God by giving gifts to help people living in desperate need, just like the Lord sent His Son to rescue us all from our desperate spiritual need. The Courier and Ives version of Christmas is an over-the-river-and-through-the-woods sleigh ride to grandmother’s Victorian-style house where we celebrate family and good times. The 21 st -century American version is a sprint from Black Friday and Cyber Monday to find the best deals on gifts for the family that satisfy cravings stimulated by television commercials and online advertising. It is also open season for debates about keeping Christ in Christmas. Now would be a good time to  remember  that  without Christ there would be no Christmas. Now would be a good time to  rethink   how we celebrate how the Lord sent His Son to save us from fear and death  (Hebrews 2:15) and  bring us into a loving relationship with Him. Now would be a go

For Gospel for Asia, Education is one of the Keys to Ending World Poverty

Gospel for Asia Believes Alleviating Poverty Starts in the Classroom Wills Point, TX (PRUnderground) November 22nd, 2018 As the world “goes blue” to mark World Children’s Day (Nov. 20) GFA (Gospel for Asia) is bringing attention to another color in its efforts to improve the lives of children at risk—the red line of poverty. The organization spotlights the desperate plight of the near-770 million people around the world—many of them children—who live below the $1.90-a-day extreme poverty line, in  a major new report on the importance of education in helping alleviate poverty . With many children forced to work to help provide for their families, rather than attend school, this year’s United Nations World Children’s Day celebration emphasizes the right of every child  to “fulfill their potential” through education. Supporters are being encouraged to promote the message of a brighter future for children by “Going Blue,” and signing a petition calling on world leade

Gospel for Asia Says Education is one of the Keys to Ending World Poverty

Gospel for Asia Believes Alleviating Poverty Starts at School Wills Point, TX — As the world “goes blue” to mark World Children’s Day (Nov. 20) Gospel for Asia (GFA, ) is bringing attention to another color in its efforts to improve the lives of children at risk—the red line of poverty. Those born into poverty (or illiterate households) often live the remainder of their lives in that same condition and have nothing more to offer their children. The organization spotlights the desperate plight of the near-770 million people around the world—many of them children—who live below the $1.90-a-day extreme poverty line, in  a major new report on the importance of education in helping alleviate poverty. With many children forced to work to help provide for their families, rather than attend school, this year’s United Nations World Children’s Day celebration emphasizes the right of every child to “fulfill their potential” through education. Supporters are being encouraged t

Discouragement: Designed to Reshape, Not Destroy

It seems that with all our knowledge, information and experience, we should be on top of the mountain more of the time. I know this is how I often evaluate my life. I think that after all I've endured, I should now be able to face all kinds of problems without discouragement. But it doesn't work like that. I can preach a message and see hundreds of people set free. . . . But within a short time, I can find myself bogged down, discouraged and confused, wondering what to do next and trying to find a way to quit, slow down or find an easier path. Finally, I realized that discouragement, although a tool of the enemy, is also an instrument of God, used to shape us and bring us into all that He has for us. In his book The Screwtape Letters , C.S. Lewis gives the dialogue between senior devil, Screwtape, and the junior devil he is teaching, Wormwood. The instruction given to Wormwood on how to deal with man's disappointment and discouragement is eye-opening.

His Grace

His Grace In the hollow of a tree was a nest hidden away, made by two birds to lay their eggs. A cozy home for their young; with dreams and hopes they built it with love. A snake discovered the tree and the nest in the hollow; he slithered his way up to eat the young ones. Miles up in the sky a hawk circled and soared; with piercing eyes he watched the snake’s movement. As the snake inched his way into the hollow, the hawk swooped down, snatched the snake away with his powerful claws. God cared for the tiny birds; His angel sent the hawk to rescue them. God cares for you; trust in His grace. KP Yohannan. “His Grace.”  Dance Not for Time . GFA Books, 2013, pp. 232-233. Click here , to read more articles by Dr. KP Yohannan Metropolitan, or visit Patheos . Go here to know more about Dr. KP Yohannan: Facebook | Twitter | Book | OnePlace | SermonIndex

Serve with Renewed Passion Through These 3 Powerful Steps

As many ministries get older, they slowly lose their initial focus on serving the Lord. What once was excitement to serve and spontaneous growth is now replaced with stagnancy. How do we go about restoring in our ministries that initial passion to serve the Lord? The simplest way to bring about change is to start with changing yourself . 1. Abandon Yourself to God Genuine revival of ourselves comes from a personal, intimate encounter with the living God, not with changing the rules and regulations of the organization or church we serve with. "How do we go about restoring in our ministries that initial passion to serve the Lord? The simplest way to bring about change is to start with changing yourself. " Deliberately choose to do things that will develop and cultivate your heart: Take time to think, pray sincerely and ask the Lord to renew the vision of your ministry. Translate that vision into your specific area within the ministry. Search for unique

Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights (Part 2 by Gospel for Asia)

Wills Point, Texas – GFA Special Report ( Gospel for Asia ) – Discussing the human rights injustice and violations, modern-day oppression, extreme poverty, that continues to exist, affecting millions of women, men and even children. Human Rights Injustice in Social Structures For those who are considered "Untouchables"—that's some 300 million Dalits who fall at the bottom of the societal ladder—discrimination typically leaves them with only menial work no one else wants to do. The Indian government took affirmative action to enforce policies about caste discrimination "reserving a certain percentage of government jobs and admission to educational institutions, as also financial support through loans and special schemes, for these castes," reports the CRG. The Dalit Enterprise  in India promotes inclusivity and supports Dalit entrepreneurs. (Photo credit ) Some Dalits have managed to break out of their long-time social,