His Grace

His Grace - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

His Grace
In the hollow of a tree
was a nest hidden away,
made by two birds
to lay their eggs.

A cozy home
for their young;
with dreams and hopes
they built it with love.

A snake discovered the tree
and the nest in the hollow;
he slithered his way up
to eat the young ones.

Miles up in the sky
a hawk circled and soared;
with piercing eyes
he watched the snake’s movement.

As the snake inched his way
into the hollow,
the hawk swooped down,
snatched the snake away
with his powerful claws.

God cared for the tiny birds;
His angel sent the hawk to rescue them.
God cares for you;
trust in His grace.

KP Yohannan. “His Grace.” Dance Not for Time. GFA Books, 2013, pp. 232-233.

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