In What Ways Does GFA Lead as an Example of Christian Missionary Work?

GFA World has served in Asia for over 35 years, rescuing families from poverty and bringing Christ’s love. How does GFA World invest in people in Christian missionary work?
  • Equipping and Supporting National Pastors and Missionaries
    – National missionaries have a distinct advantage over those who come into the country to work. For example, they move freely in areas restricted to foreigners and are often quickly accepted in a new community. They know the cultural taboos and language (or can quickly pick up a related dialect). They have a passion and burden to reach and serve their own people.
  • Women Missionaries – There are many GFA women missionaries who serve in communities across Asia. These women serve in many ways, including but not limited to widow care, literacy classes, income-generating skills training, slum ministry and teaching Bible classes. Through their prayers and service, many women have come to know they have worth and value in the eyes of God.
  • Serving the Most Destitute
    – GFA World is committed to relieving the burden among Asia’s most destitute and endangered people. We do this through our slum ministry that addresses the needs of those who dwell in the slums. Leprosy ministry also provides treatment and help for leprosy patients who are often rejected by society. Additionally, widows and orphans receive care and support from GFA World.
  • Developing Strong Communities – Through a variety of programs and initiatives, GFA World is giving hope to impoverished villages. Families learn income-generating skills to break out of the cycle of poverty or they may be given a gift to facilitate this training—farm animals, a sewing machine, vegetable seeds, a pull cart, etc. GFA World is also known for providing community facilities like water wells, water filters and toilets to increase the health and well-being of a community.
Each of these investments leads a national missionary to be welcomed to share the love of Jesus Christ to people who previously had little hope. Through tangible examples of God’s love, individuals, families and entire communities see how the one true God loves and cares for them and this opens their hearts to be willing to hear the Gospel.

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