
Showing posts from June, 2024

What Are Some ‘Help the Poor’ Bible Verses?

God’s heart for the vulnerable of the world is evident throughout Scripture. We can find ‘help the poor’ Bible verses from both the Old and the New Testaments. The first time we see clear commands about our treatment of the poor is in Exodus when God begins to give His people, the Israelites, His Law. Exodus 22:25 is the first command about the poor: “If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.” This is a clear mandate to not take advantage of those who have less and need assistance in their circumstances. There are many lenders and extortionists in the world who will lend money and exact a very high interest rate with extreme terms on the loan. If a person is not literate, as is often the case for those in extreme poverty, they cannot understand what they agree to. God is also very clear about non-preferential treatment, either for the rich or the poor. In Exodus 23:3 and 6, Exodus 2

How Can We Be like Jesus Helping the Poor?

“Whoever despises his neighbor sins; but he who has mercy on the poor, happy is he” says Proverbs 14:21. God’s Word tells us that the poor will always be with us. 1 This doesn’t mean we can ignore the problem. Scripture is clear that caring for the poor is honoring to God. 2 Let’s examine what God’s Word tells us about Jesus helping the poor. Jesus, in responding to John the Baptist’s question about if He was the Savior, said, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” 3 This gives an idea of where to start in being Jesus to the poor of the world. He wants us to help the poor and the suffering in practical ways and bring them the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The second instruction we are given is from Jesus’s half-brother, James, In his epistle, he talks much about

What Is the Best Way to Donate to the Poor?

Though many organizations have ways to donate to the poor, it’s best to find one with the following criteria: A clearly designated name, headquarters office address and official 501(c)(3) designation (United States only) Transparent funds designations and annual reports A documented history of success through stories and reports A form of oversite, such as a board After you have established the structure and relevance of an organization, you will want to find organizations that address the root causes of poverty instead of the symptoms. For example, meal service in a time of crisis is wonderful, but it cannot lift anyone out of poverty. Stable income and skills for a better job are the best ways lift a person and their family out of poverty. World Vision cites these areas as keys to poverty reduction, too: 1 Educate children Provide clean water Ensure basic health care Empower a girl or woman Improve childhood nutrition Reach children in conflict Prevent child marriage Click here , to

Helping the Poor

Helping the poor is a noble goal and one that organizations have been working toward for decades. GFA World has been serving the poor since 1979 in Asia and has recently began serving in Africa as well. We serve the “least of these,” often in places where no one else is working. GFA supports national missionaries, who serve the needs of the poor in their communities. These missionaries are best equipped to serve the people. In fact, helping the poor is a natural and organic part of their ministry. It is a tangible way to share God’s love. Poverty has devastating impacts on people. They are often unable to earn enough money to provide for the physical needs of their families. Children are often unable to go to school, either because the family can’t afford it or because the children need to work in order to help meet the needs of the family. Other children can’t attend school because they are in charge of gathering water for the family, and the only water source may be miles away. When

What Is The Importance Of Teaching Numeracy Skills In The Poorest Communities Of Asia?

Numeracy skills are often lacking in cultures where education is not valued. For example, over 250 million women in Asia are illiterate in both math and reading. 1 Many women long to learn, but the resources are unavailable to them. When adults are unable to do basic math, they are often taken advantage of in the market or in housing contracts. This makes an already financially strained family go even further into debt. GFA World teaches adult literacy classes in Asia, releasing women and men from the confinement of illiteracy. They learn how to read, write and do basic math. This knowledge qualifies them for higher-paying jobs and sometimes they are even trained in starting their own vocation or business. With these new skills, they are able to realize a better future for their family. Often, literacy and education are the keys to breaking the cycle of poverty. There are multiple positive effects of numeracy. Some are: Ability to understand a budget and how to live within it. Ability

What Do Financial Literacy Classes For Adults In Developing Countries Look Like?

GFA offers financial literacy classes for adults in Asia. Over 250 million women in Asia are illiterate in both math and reading. 1 This illiteracy leaves women susceptible to abuse and fraud. For example, if someone can’t do basic math, he or she is highly likely to get taken advantage of in the marketplace or when making agreements for rent or other living expenses. GFA’s literacy classes include instruction for reading, writing and basic math. In 2018, 61,880 women learned to read and write through GFA’s literacy classes. 2 A student in literacy training is given a book titled, A New Beginning, and that’s what it is! She learns the alphabet of her language and how to form letters and numbers with a pencil. Through literacy classes the women: Learn to read and write – The teachers start with the basics of how letters are formed and the sounds they make. Then students learn how to write on their own, opening a new world of opportunities for them. Learn basic math – Women learn how

How Does Financial Illiteracy Impact People Who Are Already Living In Extreme Poverty?

Financial illiteracy significantly impacts people living in extreme poverty. Until a person understands numbers and basic math, it is difficult to budget and dig one’s way out of a pit of debt. That is why financial literacy classes are essential. “Equipped with mathematical skills, a parent can wisely make choices on purchases, contracts and family budgets. And in any business, an increased understanding of finances and mathematics helps guard business owners against being taken advantage of.” 1 Dayita was only 17 years old when she had the dream of starting a tailoring business to help meet the needs of her family. 2 Her family was in severe poverty, and her parents didn’t have the knowledge to increase their income potential. Dayita enrolled in a tailoring course and gradually improved her skills. The only problem was, she didn’t have a sewing machine. Starting a tailoring business without a sewing machine is impossible! The startup costs of such a dream brought her plan to a grind

Numeracy Definition

A numeracy definition provided by National Numeracy is “the ability to understand and use maths in daily life, at home, work or school.” 1 It has nothing to do with whether a person can perform complex skills or advanced math but whether the person can use basic math in daily life. It is sometimes labeled as “mathematical literacy.” For example, a mathematically literate person can give correct change, increase a recipe, calculate a percentage or how much to tip, set up a budget, measure medicine doses, and understand a graph used in the news. A numeracy definition is about understanding math and making good decisions with numbers. Numeracy is often used at work. For example, someone working at a salon needs to calculate the formula for hair dye. A construction worker needs to measure building materials. A contractor needs to create an estimate for how much to charge for a construction job. A chef needs to know how many portions to make. A nurse needs to figure how much medicine to g

Why Are People Born Into Poverty?

Poverty is a serious, global concern that affects all aspects of a person’s life. The World Bank estimates that 689 million people (roughly 9.2% of the world) experience dire poverty.1 Individuals, families and communities can all fall prey to poverty. There are many reasons why people are born into poverty. Here are some: Natural disasters — Natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, famines or droughts can kill crops and animals, level homes and devastate entire communities, robbing people of all they had and of the opportunity to build a secure future. Lack of education — Many people cannot obtain well-paying jobs to provide for their families because they were not able to complete school. Common laborers will work in fields, mines, farms and other manual labor positions that pay poorly. Prejudice — Racial or religious prejudices can create generational poverty for specific religious or ethnic groups. Violence — Extended war and genocide deplete community resources like money

What Are Common Myths About Poverty?

Here are some myths about poverty, commonly held by many around the world: “Poverty is abnormal.“ Many people assume poverty is unusual or uncommon; however, millions of people worldwide experience poverty. According to the World Bank, roughly 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, experience extreme poverty, and in most cases, the effects of poverty do not end with one individual. 1 Poverty exists in both wealthy countries and developing countries. “Poverty is caused by laziness; anyone can escape poverty if they try hard enough.“ Some people believe that poverty is the result of individual laziness or lack of ambition. Many people believe that the poor should simply work harder, get better jobs and develop more motivation for their lives; this perspective does not consider other causes of poverty. Poverty is rarely a personal failing; poverty is often generational and systemic. In many developing countries, people do not have opportunities to work well-paying jobs. Some people ca

How Can Poverty Be Solved?

Poverty is a significant issue that affects millions of people worldwide. Poverty increases malnutrition and food insecurity, unemployment and mortality rates. So how can poverty be solved? What solutions will help alleviate poverty worldwide? Education Education is a powerful solution to poverty. Education helps children develop critical thinking, reading, writing and math skills and confidence about themselves and their future. GFA World’s child-sponsorship program helps thousands of children and their families annually. Donors help break the cycle of poverty through giving to community-wide solutions like opportunities for education, medical care, protection against malnutrition, clean water and more. Learn more here: Clean water Clean water is imperative for health and everyday tasks for people worldwide. Clean water prevents illness, infection and dehydration so people can work and attend school. Communities that do not have safe drinking water n

Reasons for Poverty

Poverty is a complex issue that affects much of the world. The World Bank estimates that roughly 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, experience extreme poverty. 1 Poverty relegates millions of people to hazardous jobs, poor living conditions and disease. There are many reasons for poverty. Some people assume that it is an individual’s fault if they are experiencing poverty; this assumption can be one of many damaging myths about poverty . Numerous things contribute to poverty—for instance biased systems and insufficient resources or infrastructure. Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons for poverty below. Lack of education — Parents who did not receive an education are less likely to put their children in school and encourage them in their own education. Children learn valuable literacy, math, and relational skills in school; education provides hope, values and opportunities for children they cannot receive anywhere else. Inadequate education prohibits children from qu

National Missionaries in Asia and Africa: A Mission of Love and Transformation

GFA World’s national missionaries make a profound difference in the lives of the people across Asia and more recently, Africa. Not only are these national missionaries in Asia and Africa providing spiritual hope for countless individuals, they also provide practical help demonstrating God’s tangible love, being His agents in transforming communities. [1] Provision of Essential Items and Construction of Jesus Wells GFA World’s national missionaries who serve these communities are from the very region they are reaching. They speak the same language, and they know the nuances of the local culture and dialect. It is as if they were ordained to be able to effectively meet the practical needs of their neighbors’ lives. [2] Every day, they are reminded of the difference they make in the lives of those they serve as national missionaries. The items they provide include household basics like blankets, practical gifts of food and medical supplies. These are everyday resources that are often take

Creating a Better Future for the Marginalized in Asia Through Vocational Training and Education

Surveying the myriad weaving of Asian society, with many millions of people enmeshed in poverty and illiteracy, [1] GFA World looks for solutions. We reach out to the “least of these”—women and children marginalized in Asia, through vocational training and education. This provides opportunities fitting for each community to provide hope for a better future for those who are currently on society’s back fringes. The goal and purpose of this training, done in the name of Christ, is to help them break from the tragic grip of poverty. The Scope of The Problem GFA World’s literacy classes are more than just for people to learn reading and writing; they are gateways to a new life. Gaining this knowledge enables people to live daily lives with mature understanding, from interpreting health information to managing money to assessing job opportunities. For countless women, these literacy classes are the first steps out of complete dependence on others and the first opportunity to influence even

Local Missionaries in Asia: The Sisters of Compassion’s Unseen Impact of Hope and Transformation

In the lands where the sun rises over the vast landscapes of Asia, leading lives of quiet despair are many people of unmeasured impact who are simply overlooked and neglected. However, among the ignored and neglected, a group of devoted women called Sisters of Compassion are effecting real change in measurable ways. Bearing the burdens of those with profound needs, these local missionaries within Asia and Africa have been raised up and trained by GFA World to offer practical compassion―hand care, touch care and extending the respect and attention that every individual deserves. Geeta is a Sister of Compassion in a leper colony where 30 families, consisting of a minimum of 10 persons in each family, reside. Many members of each family cannot work due to their disease, and some are permanently disabled. Providing them with much-needed personal care, the Sisters of Compassion will trim their hair and give them baths, cleaning the scabies and foul-smelling wounds that the colony residents

The Transformative Work of National Missionaries in Asia: Compassionate Care in Action

In the heart of Asia, amidst the bustling cities and remote villages, there is a world where the marginalized and neglected endure lives of silent desperation. Leprosy colonies, a vestige of ancient times, still house those whose afflictions have ostracized them from society. [1] Slums, teeming with life, are also rife with the struggles of survival. Here reside the elderly, the widowed, the disabled, often left to their own devices and largely forgotten by the mainstream world. And yet, in these places full of such profound need, the comforting presence of the Sisters of Compassion, a specifically trained group of GFA World’s national missionaries in Asia and Africa, conveys hope and refreshment. Trained to serve with empathy and practical skills like wound care, these women function as God’s hands and feet, putting His love into action as they reach out to minister where ministry is devoid and touch lives with the dignity and care every that human being deserves. The Touch of Compa

How Does Child Labor In the Asia Pacific Region Affect Children?

Child labor in the Asia Pacific region is a significant problem. The International Labour Organization estimates that there are over 17 million child laborers in South Asia.1 Every year, millions of children are victims of child labor in agriculture, factories, mines and more. How does child labor affect these children? Decreased education — Child laborers infrequently attend school, and often drop out altogether, because they do not have time, money or energy for education. Many such children do not understand the importance of education or have sufficient support from their parents or families. This lack of education limits their job opportunities as adults. Education provides hope, values and opportunities for children they cannot receive anywhere else. Increased injuries — Child laborers sometimes carry heavy loads, operate dangerous equipment or work in unsafe environments such as cramped tunnels or rocky trails. Hazardous work combined with exhaustion exposes children to opport

Why Do Child Workers In Asia Leave School?

Child labor contributes to illiteracy and undereducation. The International Labour Organization estimates that there are over 17 million child laborers in South Asia. 1 Child workers in Asia may work in brick kilns, fisheries, plantations and more. The worst countries for child labor in Asia include Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. 2 Child laborers often work long, labor-intensive hours with no breaks for minimal pay. These jobs may expose children to hazardous chemicals and materials, crowded workspaces and abuse. Employers sometimes even deprive children of food, sleep and even medical care to motivate them to work. How does child labor affect education? Illness or injury — Working in hazardous conditions can expose children to injuries, disease, dust and other harmful irritants which can prevent them from attending school regularly. Many impoverished families do not have access to appropriate medical treatments that can help children heal. When serious illnesses or injuries are lef

What Are Common Forms of Child Labor In Asia?

The International Labour Organization estimates that 17 million children between 5 and 14 years old are victims of child labor in Asia. 1 Child labor is a significant issue in this region. Children can work in many domestic industries, including garment and footwear factories, mining, plantations or even scavenging. Agriculture — Children work in forestry or on small or industrial farms with livestock or produce. Children help remove rocks from soil, harvest crops, care for animals and handle farming equipment. Fisheries — Children, particularly boys, are crucial to the fishing industry throughout Asia. Children may work on docks, markets or directly on boats to help fishing crews. Children may dive for fish or work on fishing nets. Children may also load, unpack, clean, salt and prepare fish to be sold. Garment factories — Child workers are nimble and cheap factory help. Child laborers work in textile and garment factories to sew buttons, cut, dye and sort fabric and package compl

Countries with Child Labor

Child labor is a significant issue worldwide. Countries with child labor may experience extreme poverty, under-education and heightened mortality rates. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), child labor is any work that “is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children” or that “interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school.” 1 Child labor inhibits children’s physical, mental and emotional development. Also, by depriving children of opportunities to attend school, it deprives them of opportunities to play with their peers and learn about themselves. UNICEF estimates that 160 million children are victims of child labor and that 1 in 5 children are victims of child labor in the world’s poorest countries. 2 Countries with child labor include Bangladesh, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Somalia. 3 In eastern and southern Africa, 26 percent of chil

How Can We Stop Child Labor in Relation to Poverty?

Imagine this scenario: You and your spouse leave your children each day to go to your job weaving baskets. You barely make enough to survive day-to-day. You have no skills that would get you a better paying job. Then there comes an expense in your children’s schooling that you can’t pay. You remove your children from school. Then you must make an even more difficult decision: Should your children join you in working day in and day out? This gives you a glimpse into child labor in relation to poverty. This situation is typical of what many families face in some of the poorest regions of the world. It is part of the cycle of poverty that traps the extremely poor and feeds the demand for child labor. These aren’t kids helping with the family business. They are cheap labor that can easily be taken advantage of and are employed in industries such as agriculture and mining around the world, despite laws and advocacy against child labor. This correlation appears to be inevitable and inescapab

How Much Child Labor in the World Is Due to Cotton Manufacturing?

Would it surprise you to know that there are countries that sanction child labor during cotton harvesting season? Given this fact and the fact cotton is one of the world’s most in-demand crops, it’s no wonder how much child labor in the world is due to cotton production and harvesting. Countries that allow child labor during harvesting season include Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. 1 They allow this in order to meet quotas and demands from the worldwide industry. A Human Rights Watch article exposed Uzbekistan, in particular, for its government forcing all ages to stop their regular work or activities and contribute to cotton harvesting. 2 Cotton picking is laborious work, and cotton is the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crop in the world, which means anyone picking cotton is likely exposed to a high level of chemicals. There are also many other risks. Certi-Pik, a United States cotton picker parts manufacturer, reports these hazards in the industry: Entanglement with mo