What Are Some Prayer Points for Poverty Alleviation?

The heart of GFA World’s work in Africa and Asia is based in prayer, so we are grateful for the opportunity to share some prayer prompts regarding poverty alleviation. Please join us in intercession for this crucial issue.

Pray for provision
– Impoverished families are in need of tangible supplies and support. They may need access to clean water or food for their family. They may desire to send their children to school and need tuition support.
  • Pray for GFA pastors and missionaries to have supernatural insight into the needs around them and have the resources to meet those needs.
  • Pray for donors worldwide to provide financially so GFA can continue to send gifts and resources into areas of extreme poverty.
  • Pray for the purchasing power of the donations in areas where inflation is increasing dramatically.

Pray for longevity
– Gifts like Jesus Wells, BioSand water filters, sewing machines, bicycles, livestock and so forth need longevity to continue helping families stabilize financially. Generational poverty doesn’t end in one day; it often takes years.
  • Pray for our Jesus Wells to last 20 or more years and continue helping communities have clean water access even in severe droughts.
  • Pray for tangible items like sewing machines, push carts and bicycles to have long lives with decades of use.
  • Pray for livestock to remain healthy.
Pray recipients will understand God’s love for them
  • Pray for God’s love to be clearly shared and displayed through GFA pastors and missionaries.
  • Pray for gift recipients to experience God’s love through the gifts they receive.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to draw people to relationship with Jesus.

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