How Can I Pray for Children Living in Poverty?

Children living in poverty can be a regular topic in our prayers. God says in His Word, “Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). God loves the poor.
Here are some ways you can pray for children who live in extreme poverty. Pray for:
  • Tangible needs
    – People living in poverty need help with tangible resources. Pray for God to meet their needs for food and supplies. Pray for God to give them consistent income and employment.
  • Emotional needs – Poverty is difficult on a person’s mental health, including children. A hopelessness and a feeling of worthlessness often come with poverty. Pray that GFA missionaries would be able to share encouragement and hope in Christ.
  • Environmental needs – When drought occurs, water is scarce and sometimes impossible to find. Pray for God to bring water to areas with drought. Pray for God to bring clean water wells to areas where clean water is not accessible.
  • Spiritual needs – Hope for the future comes from God. Pray that people will accept Christ as Savior when missionaries, pastors and His people share the Gospel.
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