Seeing the Success of Selfless Sacrificial Service

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA) — In his account of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mark shares the story of a rich young ruler who had inquired of Jesus, “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life” (Mark 10:17). Jesus essentially told him that he needed to live a perfect life, reciting several of the Ten Commandments to him.

The young man replied that he had faithfully followed the commandments all of his life. Mark then records that Jesus looked at him lovingly and said that he needed to do one more thing. He needed to “sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” (Mark 10:21).

Jesus invited him, once he had given all that he had to the poor, to “come, take up thy cross, and follow Me” (vv. 21).

Do you wonder what you would have done had you been that rich young man? The truth is, I wonder what I would have done?

We spend so much time thinking about what we are able to accumulate in pleasures and treasure that we fail to measure what the Lord expects us to do with what we have. Our lifestyle is so much about ourselves and self-gratification that we have, as a culture, forgotten about sacrificial giving.

Jason and Melanie understand sacrificial giving. They have given and given and given again to support the work of Gospel for Asia-supported ministries, often forsaking their own needs or amending their plans for the future so their sacrifice might meet the needs of millions of people in Asia in the name of Jesus.

Think of the faith this takes. I’m not talking about the faith they have that the Lord will supply their needs. I’m talking about the faith they have that the Lord will use the money they have faithfully given to Gospel for Asia to meet the needs of others on the other side of the world — others whom they never expected to see this side of heaven.

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