The Way I Found My Life Was to Think of Others and Their Hurts

The Way I Found My Life Was to Think of Others and Their Hurts - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia

Have you noticed how sad they look
Old or young—they care for none
Each one walks as if alone.

Are you alone on this crowded street?
The sound you hear is your heart beat
No one to talk to for you see none.

I, too, walked alone, as you do now
Then one day I stood still, by the road
And saw the many, just like me.

Blinded by my own ego, I couldn’t see
That I was far better off than many out there.
Others became my concern from then on;
It was no longer me alone.

To think of others and their hurts,
Giving my life away for others in need
This was the way I found my life.

K.P. Yohannan. “Walked Alone.” Dance Not for Time. GFA Books, 2013, p. 136.


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