Application of Learning Goes Way Beyond the Classroom at GFA's School of Discipleship

Gospel for Asia (GFA), School of Discipleship News, Wills Point, Texas

One day after a Sunday morning worship service a couple months ago, I was sitting on the couch in my living room watching a movie when I heard a knock at my front door. I hopped up, half expecting to greet one of our friendly neighbor kids from across the street. Who I found instead upon opening the door was a couple of our School of Discipleship students.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I asked.

“Hi,” one of them said, shifting from one foot to the other. “We’ve been walking around the neighborhood this afternoon asking people some questions and wondered if you had a couple of minutes.”

“Sure, I have a little time,” I smiled, seeing where this conversation was headed. “What’s on your mind?”

“We’re wondering if you know who Jesus is?”

Not missing a beat, I played along. “Yeah, they talk about Him in church all the time…”
Texas State Fair - KP Yohannan - Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia students and staff share the Gospel at the Texas State Fair.

And so began our conversation about Jesus Christ and why we need Him to be our Savior. You see, among the many other spiritual disciplines that young adults learn about and learn to practice during their time in School of Discipleship is the discipline of sharing the Gospel. Students study materials like Ray Comfort’s The Way of the Master training course and Josh’s McDowell’s book More than a Carpenter in class, where they can ask questions; have real, deep discussions with their peers and teachers about what they’re learning; and practice things like starting a casual conversation with someone and swinging the focus toward the Gospel. They also learn simple, practical things, like smiling when they introduce themselves. But application of learning goes way beyond the classroom. Students are encouraged to make personal evangelism a consistent practice in everyday life, out of love for Christ and the people around them.
“For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.” —2 Corinthians 5:14–15
Even before students complete SD’s evangelism classes, they have opportunity to put their faith into action through opportunities such as tract distribution at the Texas State Fair or at Globe Life Park during baseball season. As the year goes on and their confidence begins to build, they stretch themselves and their comfort zones by sharing the Good News door-to-door in small groups or starting up one-on-one conversations at the mall. And, like the visitors at my front door, some choose of their own initiative to get together with other believers and simply practice their presentation of the Gospel, long after they’ve completed their evangelism classes.

As a member of the School of Discipleship faculty at Gospel for Asia, it’s a neat thing to see students take to heart the things they’re learning during their year, step out in faith, and by God’s grace, make those things consistent practices in their lives. Be it giving others grace, serving sacrificially, or sharing the Gospel—these things aren’t easy, but they are worth it and are daily opportunities to love people as Christ does.


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