Do You Have Information on How to Donate a Chicken to a Family at Christmas Time?
Christmas is a great time to donate a chicken or a small flock of chickens to a needy family. Throughout South Asia and parts of Africa, a few chickens can make a huge difference in the life of a family. At GFA World, we will personally use your donation and provide a life-changing gift to a family in need. Our pastors and missionaries live in the communities in which they serve, allowing them to see the needs firsthand and understand how to make the biggest difference for each family. “There is no one to take care of me at this old age. I am worried, thinking, ‘What will happen if I die and no one will even know about it?’ Today, I saw your care, and I am happy for the chicken you gave me.” —Prim, a 65-year-old widow [1] Did you know, a hen can lay up to 250 to 300 eggs yearly? [2] And when a pair produces chicks, a flock develops, providing nourishment and income for years. The eggs offer protein-rich nutrition for their owners, and they can also sell them at the market. Chickens ar...