
Showing posts from March, 2024

Do You Have Information on How to Donate a Chicken to a Family at Christmas Time?

Christmas is a great time to donate a chicken or a small flock of chickens to a needy family. Throughout South Asia and parts of Africa, a few chickens can make a huge difference in the life of a family. At GFA World, we will personally use your donation and provide a life-changing gift to a family in need. Our pastors and missionaries live in the communities in which they serve, allowing them to see the needs firsthand and understand how to make the biggest difference for each family. “There is no one to take care of me at this old age. I am worried, thinking, ‘What will happen if I die and no one will even know about it?’ Today, I saw your care, and I am happy for the chicken you gave me.” —Prim, a 65-year-old widow [1] Did you know, a hen can lay up to 250 to 300 eggs yearly? [2] And when a pair produces chicks, a flock develops, providing nourishment and income for years. The eggs offer protein-rich nutrition for their owners, and they can also sell them at the market. Chickens ar...

Do You Have Information on How to Donate a Goat to a Family at Christmas Time?

GFA World can provide information on how to donate a goat and also give you the means to do so! Not all of us can travel to the world’s poorest regions and personally gift goats to those in extreme poverty, but GFA is set up to do just that! GFA pastors and missionaries look for needs around them and then bless those families with the best livestock choice for their situation. Goats are often a good choice. They are hardy and can live in almost any climate. They have other benefits too: A pair of goats produces at least two kids each year, and their manure is a good source of fertilizer. Many widows in Africa and Asia need help to survive. A pair of goats may be a simple answer to help them in their circumstances. For women like Sitara, a goat is a life-changing gift! “Twenty years ago, my husband became mentally ill and could not work. Then my oldest son died. My younger son went to work to provide for the family. He died suddenly three years ago … I had no idea what to do,” shared Si...

Do You Have Information about How to Donate a Cow or Water Buffalo to a Family at Christmas?

GFA World provides information about how to donate a cow or water buffalo and an easy way to make that donation! Each donation allows local pastors and missionaries to bless those living in extreme poverty with a hope-filled future! When families receive livestock, they can utilize the animal’s dung for fertilizer and as power to till their fields. They can also breed the animal to continue growing their farm. Kailea is a great example of how livestock like cows and water buffalo can drastically change a life. When her husband passed away, Kailea was devastated and grief-stricken. And she was suddenly the sole provider for her family. How would they survive? Kailea was faced with choosing between food for her children or education for them. Without education, they would be shackled by poverty; but without food, they would not survive today. Kailea decided she didn’t want to pick either choice. She had one thing going for her and that was land around her home. Perhaps she could farm it....

Sponsor a Family for Christmas

When you sponsor a family for Christmas, you make a life-changing contribution to a needy family. In areas like Africa and South Asia, a family Christmas gift from a generous donor like you can dramatically alter their future. At Christmas, you may think of gifting a family a new gaming system or the latest top-selling toy, but may we suggest something far more powerful? What about a chicken, a goat or a cow? Kalapi and Mudit were struggling. It was difficult to feed their South Asian family more than flatbread made of cornmeal; therefore, their kids weren’t getting enough nutrients. The children were frequently ill, and their parents couldn’t afford any medicine. Boro, a GFA pastor, visited this family and immediately noticed the frail children. Pastor Boro knew just what they needed, so through the church he gave the family a life-changing gift: a cow and a calf. It may seem like a strange present for a family, but it was just what they desperately needed. And it was more than a gift...

Is Lack of Education a Cause of Poverty?

The answer to Is lack of education a cause of poverty? is without a doubt, yes. A lack of education and literacy often results in an absence of opportunities. But if we flip that question into the positive, we’ll see that education is the road to hope and breaking outside the cycle of poverty. When children are educated, there is: Less child marriage – The child marriage numbers drop exponentially when girls are educated. When a girl stays in school, especially secondary school, the likelihood of child marriage and pregnancy decreases by 5 to 6 percentage points on average. [1] A higher standard of living overall – As children learn, they gradually become qualified for higher-income jobs. This is the same for adults. When adults learn to read, write and do basic math, they are instantly qualified for higher paying jobs and more fulfilling work environments. Women who complete secondary education earn twice as much as those with no education. [2] An increase in health and well-being ...

What Are the Key Factors in How Lack of Education Causes Poverty?

There are many key factors in how lack of education causes poverty. Here are a few: One key factor is that without education, people lack the skills to do more. Most people in developing countries who lack education work in day laboring. This often backbreaking work pays little and rarely meets the financial needs of a family. Unable to read or write, they have little hope of ever changing their life or making more money to supply for their needs. Another factor is that lack of education impacts health. Families who are educated are often healthier because they can afford healthcare, make better decisions about their health and have access to better resources. Something as simple as literacy impacts health too. When a mother is literate, her child is 50 percent more likely to live past age five. [1] Third, a lack of education impacts a community and the society as a whole. In school, children learn virtues like honesty, how to form healthy relationships, diligence, respect and so on. W...

How Can Lack of Education Cause Poverty?

How can lack of education cause poverty? In many cases, it’s a “which came first” situation—poverty or lack of education? Did poverty come first, or was lack of education the cause of the poverty? In the cycle of poverty, parents often raise their children without education. Sometimes it’s too expensive, and other times they don’t see the benefit of schooling. Likewise, a person without education often lands in poverty due to the lack of job opportunities available to them. They may be mired in a life of manual labor that may not meet their family’s daily needs. It’s a self-perpetuating problem. “Today more than ever, education remains the key to escaping poverty, while poverty remains the biggest obstacle to education.” – Kristina Birdsong, a writer for Scientific Learning [1] Global studies conclude that there is a 9% increase in hourly earnings for every extra year of schooling a child receives. [2]  So, if a child is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, it is important for the...

What Is the Cause of Poverty?

When answering, “What is the cause of poverty?” it is essential to remember that there is not one factor or deficiency that leads to people living in the most desperate situations. However, there are some common factors in many impoverished areas: Lack of Education – How can lack of education cause poverty ? Without consistent educational opportunities, children and adults are often stuck in the generational cycle of poverty. When a person doesn’t have basic reading, writing and math skills, they are often stuck in day-labor positions, and many of those do not meet the basic financial needs of a family. When we study how lack of education causes poverty , we see that it also impacts the next generation. Data gives good cause to believe that learning to read and write is one of the “great miracle cures.” [1] Lack of Healthcare – Chronic disease still plagues much of the impoverished world. For example, a waterborne illness like typhoid can cause mass illness in an entire community. Ma...

Are Charitable Gift Annuities a Good Idea?

There is not one answer to the question “Are charitable gift annuities a good idea” since each person’s financial situation is different. It is impossible to make a general recommendation; however, there are some definite benefits to investing money in a charitable gift annuity. Generally, donors will qualify for an immediate tax deduction for the gift portion of the charitable gift annuity, and if the gift is funded with appreciated stock or mutual fund shares, annuitants may also avoid some capital gains tax. A charitable gift annuity provides a fixed income for life because it does not fluctuate with the stock market. A portion of the income is often tax-free as well. A charitable gift annuity is simple to set up. Unlike a trust, it can be established without a lawyer, but consulting with an advisor is always a good idea. Using part of an estate to fund a charitable gift annuity removes that piece from the taxable estate, which could then help reduce or avoid estate taxes. [1] Most ...

I Want to Know How to Give Charitable Donations as Gifts

Understanding how to give charitable donations as gifts is a little more complicated than donating to a charity in someone’s name, though that can be done too. To give a repeating gift, donors can choose to designate a person other than themselves to receive regular payments from a charitable gift annuity agreement. The National Christian Foundation (NCF) issues charitable gift annuities on GFA World’s behalf. The NCF states, “You make the gift (part of which is tax deductible), and then you receive fixed annuity payments each year for the remainder of your life. If you wish, payments can go to a family member or friend instead.”The NCF has a very careful and prudent investment policy, and charitable gift annuities are typically reinsured, providing maximum security and stability for annuity payouts. [1] Opting for this approach to charitable giving, where you name another person as the recipient of a charitable gift annuity, also provides distinct advantages for the donor. As mentione...

How Does a Charitable Gift Annuity Work?

Understanding the question “How does a charitable gift annuity work” may seem daunting and confusing, but it is simply a contract between a charity and a donor, also called an annuitant. The terms of the contract are the following: a person donates cash, or possibly securities or personal property, to a charity; the charity sets the gift aside in a reserve account and invests it; based on the donor’s age at the time of the gift, they, or another designated person, receive a fixed, periodical payout for the rest of their lives; upon the donor’s death, the charity receives the remainder of the gift. The initial donation is generally eligible for a partial charitable tax deduction, and part of the annuity payments could be tax-free as well, making this an attractive investment option. [1] GFA World’s charitable gift annuity contract follows that same formula, with a few more specifics. The minimum investment for a charitable gift annuity is $10,000. Donors can choose to begin receiving pa...

What Is a Charitable Gift Annuity, and How Does It Relate to GFA?

Generous people have so many options for charitable donations, it can be overwhelming: cash, time, advocating for the charity on social media, sponsorships and much more. One option that is often forgotten is a charitable gift annuity. But what is a charitable gift annuity? Simply put, a charitable gift annuity is exactly what it sounds like; it is part gift and part annuity, funded by a contribution of money or stock shares. [1] This type of contract provides donors with a fixed income stream for life in exchange for their donation to charity. [2] This simple definition still leaves the question, “ How does a charitable gift annuity work ?” The following steps offer a basic outline of how the contract plays out: A donor signs an annuity contract with a charity, makes a lump sum donation and takes a partial tax deduction. The charity invests the donation. The donor then receives steady payments on a fixed schedule for life, according to the terms of the annuity agreement. Upon the don...

What Is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission?

The verses commonly referred to as the Great Commandment are in Matthew 22:37-40. He said, “’You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” What is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, and how do they apply to us today? In the Great Commandment passage, Jesus was talking to some experts in the Law of Moses. They attempted to trap Jesus by asking him where His authority came from and about His stance on paying taxes to Rome. Then someone asked Jesus, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” (Matthew 22:36). In other words, which law was most weighty? Little did these men know that they were asking questions of the Creator of the Universe! He was there when God gave the law. Jesus’ answer comes directly from Deuteronomy 6:5, which says, “Y...

Does the Great Commission Apply to All Believers?

Who was Jesus speaking to when He gave the great commission to take the Gospel into the whole world? Does the Great Commission apply to all believers or just to the disciples who were listening to Jesus that day? While the text isn’t explicitly clear, we can learn a lot by looking at the wording and asking two questions: Would it be possible for eleven men to take the Good News of Jesus Christ into all the world? Would the disciples have made it to every section of the world? No, that was not possible. But today, getting to the “ends of the earth” is becoming more of a reality! Did the disciples live “to the end of the age”? No, the disciples didn’t live to the “end of the age.” This infers that the followers who came after them were also intended to be recipients of this Great Commission. The Great Commission is not a call for each and every Christian from the time of Jesus until the end of time to go into cross-cultural missions work. However, it is a call to action. We each have a r...

Why Is the Great Commission Important?

The Great Commission is important because it was given as a command by Jesus. It isn’t the great suggestion, but instead, the Great Commission. It’s important that each of us ask, why is the Great Commission important to us personally? Does it impact our lives on a daily basis? In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gives this Great Commission, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (NKJV). The Great Commission is important for a variety of reasons, such as: It is important because making disciples is God’s way of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are called to make disciples of Jesus in all nations, teaching them His ways. We are the means Jesus chose to fill His Kingdom. It is important because the power for this mi...

What Is the Great Commission?

Jesus answers this question! In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (NKJV). What is the great commission? It’s an order that all believers in Jesus have been given! This commission was given just prior to Jesus’ ascension into heaven. Now numbering 11, the remaining disciples have joined together on a mountaintop somewhere in Galilee. They are away from the bustle of Jerusalem. Jesus gives His followers instructions about what to do in His absence. He actually answers the question, what is the Great Commission! He begins by reaffirming a concept He has told them many times: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” In just a few more seconds, Jesus would give them a...

What is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission?

When asking, “What is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission?” it is important to know they are not two ways to say the same thing, but the terms are linked. The Great Commandment, or the Greatest Commandment, is found in Matthew 22:36–40. Jesus said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (NKJV). Conversely, the Great Commission is found in Matthew 28:18-20, among other places. After His resurrection, Jesus told the disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (NKJV). These passages are related. In one, Jesus says to love God and love your neighbor. In the other, He says to make disciples ...

Does the Great Commission Apply to All Believers?

To answer the question, “Does the Great Commission apply to all believers?” we must understand what the Great Commission actually means. Jesus’ command in Matthew 28 calls up images of missionary work, but people have contradicting ideas about where missions occur. Some say missions only occur when a person has crossed a great geographical distance to reach a place outside of Christendom. This notion primarily comes from a time when everyone inside the borders of Europe was considered a Christian because they had been baptized into the state church, so mission work involved leaving those borders to reach the non-believers outside. Others say that missions only occur cross-culturally. They use the biblical examples of Joseph in Egypt, Jonah in Nineveh or Jesus with Gentiles. While this is an improvement over the first belief, a person can work cross-culturally and still be among Christians. [1] Holding either one of these stances on missions leads to the conclusion that the Great Commis...

Why is the Great Commission important?

Asking “Why is the Great Commission important?” is like asking, “Why was Jesus’s death important?” Both are vital to Christianity, and believers cannot ignore that fact. One of the most famous verses is John 3:16, which says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (NKJV). The world that God loved in this verse is the same world Jesus said to go into in Matthew 28:18–20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46–47 and Acts 1:8. Repetition in the Bible is often indicative of emphasis or importance, so the fact that the Great Commission is repeated so many times should tell us something. Practically, the Great Commission is important because it is urgent. In South Asia, 80,000 people will die today without having had the chance to hear about God. Globally, there are 2.7 billion people who have never even heard the name of Jesus, living enslaved to powerless idols and without hope or peace. Often, those who h...

What Is the Great Commission and How Is GFA World Fulfilling It?

People have asked, “What is the Great Commission?” for centuries. Christians want to understand and follow this injunction, but there has been some debate about what the Great Commission means and how it applies. The most well-known iteration of the Commission is in Matthew 28:18–20. Before Christ ascended into heaven, He told His followers, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (NKJV). Does the Great Commission apply to all believers? Some would say that Christ’s words in Matthew 28 were only directed at the people present. Other places in the Bible where the Commission is mentioned, like Acts 1:8, specifically include the words “Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,” which are specific locations to the time a...

What Are the Effects of Poverty on Society?

The effects of poverty on society go beyond the individual, both in terms of their neighbors and in terms of future generations. Poverty rarely, if ever, happens in isolation. Where you find one person in poverty, you are likely to find more. It is often geographically concentrated, and the reasons for this are complex. [1] According to the United Nations, “A social perspective on development requires addressing poverty in all its dimensions. It promotes people-centered approach to poverty eradication advocating the empowerment of people living in poverty through their full participation in all aspects of political, economic and social life, especially in the design and implementation of policies that affect the poorest and most vulnerable groups of society. An integrated strategy towards poverty eradication necessitates implementing policies geared to more equitable distribution of wealth and income and social protection coverage.” [2] A “people-centered” approach is how the United Na...

What Are the Effects of Poverty on Education?

The effects of poverty on education are devastating for children. Millions of families in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa struggle daily for basic survival. When someone is working daily to simply stay alive, getting an education is at the bottom of the list of priorities. Global Citizen tells us, “Families living in poverty often have to choose between sending their child to school or providing other basic needs. Even if families do not have to pay tuition fees, school comes with the added costs of uniforms, books, supplies, and/or exam fees.” [1] GC also reports, “In many developing countries, children’s access to education can be limited by numerous factors. Language barriers, gender roles, and reliance on child labor can all stall progress to provide quality education. The world’s most vulnerable children from disadvantaged communities are more likely to miss out on school.” [2] Say you have a family where both parents have to leave every day for hard, manual-labor jobs. They ha...

The Effects of Poverty on Children

The effects of poverty on children include poor physical thriving, reduced or no education, child labor and possible violence. [1] Children are very vulnerable because many are left alone while their parents try to work. Children International reports, “For children in poverty, childhood is a series of setbacks that never allows them to get ahead or envision a better future. Life doesn’t come with guarantees like medical treatment for illnesses, having shoes to wear to school and getting an education. Negative early experiences impact a child’s ability to grow, leaving them trapped in a cycle of poverty.” [2] It is not simply about not having enough to eat, which is what we often think of first―a difficult circumstance, to be sure. But in deep places of poverty, it goes beyond hunger. A specialist with the American Psychological Association writes, “Poverty means deprivation for children, but, of course, this is an oversimplification. Poverty affects children in many ways. It impacts ...