
Showing posts from September, 2023

What Are the 10/40 Window Nations?

The 10/40 window nations are those that fall within a rectangle bounded by the 10 and 40 north latitude lines, as well as the edge of the African continent and the Far East. The window received this name in 1990 from missionary and researcher Luis Bush. From Bush’s statistical analysis, it was a geographical representation of the largest percentage of the world’s population who had not yet heard about Jesus. [1] There are 54 countries currently listed as 10/40 window nations. These include thousands of people groups, with just as many languages and cultures. Most of the more than 5 billion people – two-thirds of the world’s population – adhere to one of the three traditional Eastern religions, though there are also many local deities served and varied beliefs held throughout the vast array of humanity covered in this area. [2] Most of these billions of souls have never heard about Jesus Christ and the Good News available to them, no matter their race or culture. This geographical windo

Why Are 10/40 Window Missionaries Needed?

There are more than 7 billion souls on the planet Earth. Of those, two-thirds live between 10 and 40 degrees north latitude, in Africa and Asia. Most of this mass of humanity has never heard about Jesus Christ. Additionally, 80 percent of the poorest people in the world live in these regions. [1] The needs are deep and great for 10/40 window missionaries. “In this present era, Americans are becoming more and more unwelcome in foreign countries, especially in those of the 10/40 window,” states Aylissia Lee, a writer for Just Disciple. “So, it is important that we partner with Christians of other nations that will be far more effective in reaching those in countries that are not welcoming to Americans.” [2] This is one of the reasons why GFA World created its national missionary program. Through discipleship and training, they raise up missionaries within a country, not from the outside, to love and serve their own people. These workers already know the language, culture and possible ba

What Are Some 10/40 Window Facts?

Here are some of the most important 10/40 window facts according to Joshua Project: [1] Nearly two-thirds of the world’s population live within this designated area. 80% of the world’s poorest people groups live here. Thousands of different people groups and languages comprise these areas. More than 3.45 billion of those in these regions follow one of three traditional Eastern religions. [2] Most of the people groups have never heard of Jesus and do not have a Bible in their language. [3] This designated area between the 10 and 40 north latitude lines includes the largest swath of humanity and also the largest number of people who have never heard about Jesus. [4] They are also often closed to outsiders for various reasons. Likewise, some of these places are dangerous for geographic, political and economic reasons. [5] Religion is more than just a set of beliefs for many of these people groups. According to Alyssia Lee, a writer for Just Disciple, “If you do any sort of studying on th

The 10/40 Window: Sending Missionaries & Help

Jesus’s last words to His disciples were, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” [1] Of the 7 billion (and growing) people on the Earth, an estimated 5.32 billion live in what is called the 10/40 Window. [2] That is the majority of the world’s population living between the boundary lines of 10 and 40 degrees north latitude, which is what gives this “window” its name. The 10/40 window nations include some of the most populous and diverse, with thousands of distinct people groups, languages and religions. The phrase ‘10/40 window’ was coined by missionary and researcher Luis Bush in 1990. His research on world populations and religions led him to draw two lines on a map of the world―one at 10 degrees north latitude and the other at 40 degrees north latitude. [3] This area holds the highest concentration of humanity on the globe. Close in the ends of those two lines, and you get a rectangle,