
Showing posts from March, 2023

How Gospel for Asia’s Gift of a Bicycle Changed a Man’s Life

WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia   (GFA World) founded by   K.P. Yohannan , which inspired numerous charities like   Gospel for Asia Canada , to assist the poor and deprived worldwide –   Discussing GFA Pastor Lanzo, a national worker traveling on foot visiting many villages to share the love of Jesus, and the Gospel for Asia gift of a bicycle that became a channel of transformation and change. The gift of a bicycle, like this one, helped Pastor Lanzo traverse rugged terrain and share the message of hope with Teetonka. Man on bicycle that was a gift from  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  gift distribution. Gospel for Asia (GFA)  pastor Lanzo mounted his bicycle, prepared for the hour-long journey before him. He pedaled through jungle and thick woods, only stopping to get off his bicycle and carry it over the shallow, washed-out roads. Though his trip was difficult, Pastor Lanzo was motivated by his love for the villagers he was traveling to see; that love propelled his bicycle through the mos

GFA World (Gospel for Asia) New Report: ‘Other Vaccine Shot The World’s Waiting For’

WILLS POINT, TX –   GFA World   founded by   K.P. Yohannan , which inspired numerous charities like   GFA World Canada , to assist the poor and deprived worldwide:   Millions around the world are still waiting to get a life-saving vaccine — and it’s not the COVID-19 shot. THE ‘OTHER VACCINE SHOT THE WORLD’S WAITING FOR:’  Human trials of a new malaria vaccine are underway, with promising initial results, according to a  new report  by humanitarian agency  GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia)  that coincides with World Malaria Day, April 25. Human trials of a new malaria vaccine are underway, with promising initial results, according to a new report by humanitarian agency  Gospel for Asia (GFA World)  that coincides with World Malaria Day, April 25, an annual event. The quest to develop an effective malaria vaccine — a shot that could save millions of lives — has proved difficult and is still ongoing. “Malaria is one of the most rampant child-killers in the world today,” said  K.P. Yoha

Gospel For Asia’s Sisters of Compassion Launch Slum Ministry for Those in Need

WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia   (GFA World) founded by   K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like   Gospel for Asia Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide –   Discussing the GFA Church and Gospel For Asia Sisters of Compassion that launched slum ministry to bring help and compassion to those in need. Slum life is very difficult. But because of the Sisters of Compassion, individuals who would normally go without, like the children pictured, have access to health and hygiene supplies, vitamin supplements, and proper nutrition. People living in slums often struggle to find food and maintain good health. Most of the men are daily laborers, making just enough money to survive, and many wrestle with alcohol and drug addictions. Children often endure illiteracy and malnourishment. The millions of people residing in slums are at greater risk for starvation and disease. [1]  Many of these individuals do not receive proper care, nutrition or attention. But t

“Bridge of Hope Made Impossible Things Possible for Me”

  Schooling. Food. Clothing. An encouraging smile. These are simple ways of showing love to a child, but those simple gestures shape lives. In God’s Church, generosity flows freely toward the hurting and sorrowful. We at  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  can testify to that. Tens of thousands of men and women and children of all ages in many countries freely give of their resources to help uplift the lives of people they love but have never met. Why? Because that’s the heart of the King we love. Bridge of Hope, an afterschool tutoring program supported by  Gospel for Asia (GFA) , is currently giving more than 82,000 children those simple gestures of love. But it wouldn’t be possible without the prayers and support of the loving Body of Christ. Without them, stories like Kaling’s would be quite different. These are two of Asia’s children who live in a slum. We may not be able to change every difficult circumstance in their lives, but we can do something! We rejoice in 82,000 children in Asia rece

Pull Cart Received at Gospel for Asia Gift Distribution Provides Father with Way to Feed His Family

  WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia   (GFA World) founded by   K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like   Gospel for Asia Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide –   Discussing Santon, the struggles of his family in the midst of generational poverty, and the pull cart received from Gospel for Asia Gift Distribution that provides a way to feed his family. Yet another customer had cheated him his pay, and there was nothing Santon could do but continue working, selling his wares. This was not the first time Santon had not received money for the fruit and vegetables he sold, nor would it be the last. All the man wanted was to provide for his wife and four children. Being frauded out of his earnings made it almost impossible—and frustrating. A Life Without Peace Santon and his wife and son, pictured here, stand with the pull cart Santon received at a Gospel for Asia gift distribution. The cart helped Santon earn enough money to ensure his family is taken car

A Family’s Mustard Seed of Faith for a Mosquito Net

WILLS POINT, TX –   GFA World   (Gospel for Asia) founded by   K.P. Yohannan , whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like   GFA World Canada , to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide –   Discussing the family of Sesen and Hachirou, their struggle with poverty, and their dire need for a mosquito net met by GFA World Gift Distribution. Mosquito nets like this one are essential items for families in South Asia. Such a net was the answer to Sesen and her family’s prayers. Sesen lived with her husband, Hachirou, and their three children in a small village. To survive, the family relied on the meager income generated from Hachirou’s job as a plumber and Sesen’s job as a maid, but many of their needs were unmet—like the dire need for a  mosquito net to protect themselves from the mosquitoes that swarmed their area . A Family’s Fighting Faith The family’s difficult financial situation was hard on them all, but they knew the Lord would provide for their need

Son’s Persistent Faith Brings Healing to Father

WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia   (GFA World) founded by   K.P. Yohannan , whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like   Gospel for Asia Canada , to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide –   Discussing Salbador, his struggle to provide for his family against poverty while enduring near constant chest pain, and his son’s persistent faith for healing for his father. For 32-year-old Salbador, the past two years had been fraught with discomfort and pain. The father of three worked at a factory to provide for his family, attempting to keep them out of poverty. Long hours and tough labor resulted in severe, near-constant chest pain. Multiple hospital visits proved no help; the doctors could offer no relief for Salbador’s pain. A Son’s Faith Udahl (pictured front second from the left), convinced his father, Salbador (pictured center back) to attend the church after his chest pain would not dissipate. Salbador was a believer in name but didn’t fully follo

Shy Boy Finds Haven in After-School Program

Ever since Zakif was a boy of just 6 years old, Gospel for Asia (GFA) -supported Bridge of Hope center was like his second home. Now, at the age of 13, he is a testimony to the center’s important work in benefiting the children, families and communities it serves. Zakif (pictured) thrives under his tutoring and overall care through Bridge of Hope. When he first began attending Bridge of Hope , Zakif suffered from poor health. His family largely depended on his mother’s meager income, while the money his father earned was often used to support the man’s addiction to strong drink. As a result, Zakif’s poor diet mainly consisted of lentils, wheat bread and some vegetables. He also lacked proper clothing and shoes. A New Opportunity When the Bridge of Hope staff in his village learned of Zakif’s condition, they offered the boy the opportunity to attend the center. Soon, he was frequently found at the center after his day at the local school. Though he was shy at first, it was clear Bridge

Toilets Enable a Village to Experience God’s Love

Through the gift of 10 new sanitation facilities (one of which is pictured), a village experienced the gift of God’s love. Pastor Rapoto served a small church of 68 believers, conducting Sunday services, prayer meetings, Sunday school and Women’s Fellowship ministries. Twice a month, he would visit a particular village nearby. Though the villagers followed the traditional religious traditions, Pastor Rapoto had faith that God would enable these people to experience God’s love for themselves. Villagers in Need Pastor Rapoto served in this village for eight years before seeing any fruit from his labor. His heart broke for them and their difficult situations: Most of the villagers earned only a meager income from working in the rice paddy fields, generating barely enough money to survive. They would pray to their gods for protection and prosperity, but their situations never improved. The village did not have proper sanitation facilities , and many residents were falling ill with diseases

Faith-Based Expert Available for Interviews on India COVID Crisis

WILLS POINT, TX — K.P. Yohannan — founder of global humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) , best-selling author, and international speaker, who was born and reared in India — is available for media interviews on the current COVID crisis in India. What’s REALLY Going On in India Right Now? Millions are suffering as India’s COVID “second wave” overwhelms the nation, hospitals overflow with patients gasping for breath, thousands die due to lack of medical oxygen supplies, and crematoriums struggle to keep up with the body count. Cut through official “filters” and hear it straight from a no-nonsense, faith-based leader, who has worked directly with local church leaders on the frontlines in India’s megacities and rural villages for the past four decades. Click here , to read more about this article. Click here , to read more blogs in GFANews from Gospel for Asia.

Bridge of Hope Relieves Grandmother, Orphans

Gnana clearly remembers the day her granddaughters moved in. The burden of caring for them became a heavy weight on her elderly frame. At age 70, how was she possibly going to provide for and look after a 3-year-old and a newborn? Masara (left) and Serena (right) lost their father, mother, home and future security at very young ages.  Bridge of Hope  has enabled their grandmother to care for them physically, mentally and emotionally by providing a loving environment, school supplies, a daily meal and much more. Less than two months earlier, the little girl’s father had finally succumbed to cancer. His death was a severe blow to their mother, who was still pregnant with her youngest. With no husband or father to provide for the poor family, fear compounded their grief. Three-year-old Masara watched her mother mourn the death of her father. Masara’s mother prayed day and night to give birth to a son who could one day become the man of the house. Only a son would bring a glimmer of happi

Son’s Healing Strengthens Mother’s Faith

Anushka’s faith grew stronger after prayers for her son led to a miraculous healing. When her son became sick, Anushka took him to the doctor and then praised the Lord when he recovered. When her boy fell ill again, this time with a more daunting prognosis, Anushka’s faith was tested. Could God—would God—heal her son again? Plagued by Sickness It almost seemed easy when Fajar, the younger of Anushka’s two sons, became sick initially. Anushka took him to the hospital; the doctor prescribed medicine; and the medicine began working immediately. Fajar was soon healthy and back in his second-grade class at school. Anushka was the only believer in her household, but she made sure to praise God for her son’s quick healing. Not long after that, however, Fajar grew sick again . It was clear this sickness was more serious as the boy began to lose strength. Anushka took Fajar to the same hospital, hoping another round of medicine would cure her son. After examination, the doctors reported Fajar s