
Showing posts from December, 2022

Malaria Makes Comeback Amid Coronavirus Pandemic — Part 2 by Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this second part of a Special Report update on Malaria making a comeback amid the worldwide impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Progress Ebbs and Flows in the Fight to Beat Malaria Recent developments in the fight against Malaria have placed a heightened spotlight on World Malaria Day, observed on April 25. Fortunately, despite the high death toll and other troublesome signs lately, not all the news about malaria treatment is bad. There are gains amid the setbacks. This woman in West Bengal was very grateful to Believers Eastern Church and its leaders for providing her with a mosquito net to protect herself and her family from vector borne diseases like malaria. One positive example is Myanmar, where the annual malaria death toll of 3,800 a decade ago has decreased to approximately 170. The Global Fund

Medical Needs Taken Care of Through Prayer, Goats Received From Gospel for Asia Distribution

WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide — Discussing Nadajay, a 45 year old widow, her family’s struggle with poverty and sickness, and the Gospel for Asia distribution of a goat that took care of their medical needs. One dollar and thirty-eight cents — that was all Nadajay made per day working in the mines. The 45-year-old widow needed to provide for her two sons, but her daily income barely covered living and school expenses, leaving hardly any extra. But when Nadajay’s 10-year-old son, Adeon, fell ill with a kidney stone, she spared no expense. She wouldn’t lose another son; she couldn’t lose another son. A Tragic Past, a Region in Need Goats, like those pictured above, provide much-needed income as families in need can sell their offspring. Nadajay had already lost her husband and five sons to sickness in the past. Their poverty meant they coul

Malaria Makes Comeback Amid Worldwide Coronavirs Pandemic — Part 1 by Gospel for Asia

WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this first part of a Special Report update on Malaria making a comeback amid the worldwide impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic. It’s a back-and-forth battle growing tougher in the face of COVID-19 , with mosquitoes responsible for spreading the disease taking on the appearance of brass-helmeted warriors immune to nearly every device aimed in their direction. Malaria, humanity’s most deadly infectious disease, is making a comeback while our primary defense — net distribution — is being handicapped by the disruptions to normal life caused by the worldwide pandemic. Insecticidal Nets a Mainstay, but Declining to Protect in Some Cases Niger: Demilla and her children now sleep under the safety of a bed net, which protects them from malaria-carrying mosquitoes, which have regularly affected many of her close fa

Medical Needs Taken Care of Through Prayer, Goats Received From Gospel for Asia Distribution

WILLS POINT, TX — GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan , has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada , to help the poor and deprived worldwide — Discussing Nadajay, a 45 year old widow, her family’s struggle with poverty and sickness, and the Gospel for Asia distribution of a goat that took care of their medical needs. Goats, like those pictured above, provide much-needed income as families in need can sell their offspring. One dollar and thirty-eight cents — that was all Nadajay made per day working in the mines. The 45-year-old widow needed to provide for her two sons, but her daily income barely covered living and school expenses, leaving hardly any extra. But when Nadajay’s 10-year-old son, Adeon, fell ill with a kidney stone, she spared no expense. She wouldn’t lose another son; she couldn’t lose another son. Click here , to read more about this article. Click here , to read more blogs in GFANews from Gospel for Asia. Learn more about Gospel fo

Mother Receives Skills, Tools to Feed Her Family

Tailoring classes like this one helped empower Salestia (not pictured) to provide for her family. A skill cannot be properly utilized if the tools to use it are absent. So why did Salestia continue taking the tailoring course? She didn’t own a sewing machine; she and her husband could not afford one. What was the point of finishing the classes? A Mother’s Fight for Her Family Both Salestia and her husband, Shandon, worked as daily laborers in their rural village. Their earnings barely covered their living expenses and their four children’s school fees. On top of financial constraints, Shandon spent a good portion of their money on drinking excessively. Salestia appeared to be the only one who cared for her family’s future—not even Salestia’s close relatives offered any help. One day, Salestia heard about a course where anyone could learn how to sew and provide for themselves. Organized by Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers, the free course was designed to help impoverished families better

Fighting the Water Crisis: Jesus Well Provides Villagers Relief

  The prayers of Abay, Kahua and Pastor Mabon (not pictured) were answered through the installation of a Jesus Well in their village. The people needed water desperately. The old water pump provided by the village officials years ago was wearing out, resulting in an inadequate water supply in the hottest months and unsanitary water in the rainy seasons. Many villagers were contracting illnesses because of drinking the unclean water, while still more were struggling to get any water at all. But these villagers needed more than just clean water—they needed living water . Severe sickness and daily disagreements among residents caused unrest to dominate the village as its inhabitants bickered with each other over various matters. Between the lack of water and the lack of peace, the village people needed help and wholeness more than ever. A Family Finds Freedom Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Mabon lived in a small village nearby, where he led a thriving congregation. One day, Kahua, a member

Sisters of Compassion Launch Slum Ministry for Those in Need

Slum life is very difficult. But because of the Sisters of Compassion, individuals who would normally go without, like the children pictured, have access to health and hygiene supplies, vitamin supplements, and proper nutrition. People living in slums often struggle to find food and maintain good health. Most of the men are daily laborers, making just enough money to survive, and many wrestle with alcohol and drug addictions. Children often endure illiteracy and malnourishment. The millions of people residing in slums are at greater risk for starvation and disease. [1] Many of these individuals do not receive proper care, nutrition or attention. But through ministries like Gospel for Asia (GFA) , such people are treated as what they are: beloved children of God. Nourishment for the Needy One day, a local Gospel for Asia (GFA) church and Sisters of Compassion organized a special program to distribute food packets and vitamin supplements to 500 slum residents in the area. This event w

Pull Cart Provides Father with Way to Feed His Family

Santon and his wife and son, pictured here, stand with the pull cart Santon received at a  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  gift distribution. The cart helped Santon earn enough money to ensure his family is taken care of. Yet another customer had cheated him of his pay, and there was nothing Santon could do but continue working, selling his wares. This was not the first time Santon had not received money for the fruit and vegetables he sold, nor would it be the last. All the man wanted was to provide for his wife and four children. Being frauded out of his earnings made it almost impossible—and frustrating. A Life Without Peace Santon was familiar with hardship; he had known it for most of his life. Born into a poor family, Santon was forced to drop out of school in fifth grade because his parents could no longer afford to send him to school. Santon joined his father working daily labor jobs. When he was old enough, Santon left home with one desire: to provide for his parents. For the next 14 y

GFA World Calls Attention To The Other Vaccine Shot That The World Is Waiting For

Coinciding with the World Malaria Day on April 25th, GFA World announced that a new malaria vaccine which could save millions of lives is on its way. According to the press release of humanitarian agency GFA World (formerly Gospel for Asia), human trials of a new malaria vaccine is ongoing, and the results are promising. “Malaria is one of the most rampant child-killers in the world today,” said K.P. Yohannan , founder of Texas-based GFA World “For countless millions across Africa, Asia and other parts of the world, an effective vaccine against malaria would be like a dream.” Click here , to read more about this article. Click here , to read more blogs in GFANews from Gospel for Asia. Learn more about Gospel for Asia: Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | SourceWatch | Integrity | Lawsuit Update | 5 Distinctives | 6 Remarkable Facts | 10 Milestones | Media Room | Malaria & COVID-19 | Endorsements | 40th Anniversary | Lawsuit Response | International Offices

Sewing Machine Helps Stitch Together a Family’s Life

Palila glanced at her three children, and her mind welled with worries that they would not be able to receive a proper education. Though her husband worked hard as a daily laborer in the agricultural fields near their home, his meager income, equating to less than $9 per day, was not enough to fully support the family. Palila knew something had to be done to bring in more money, but what? Through the gift of a sewing machine, Palila was able to provide for her family and experience the love of Jesus. An Unexpected Gift The village where Palila lived with her family was also home to Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Taggart, who served a small church there. One December, after hearing about Palila and her family’s financial needs, Pastor Taggart submitted Palila’s name to receive a gift from a Christmas gift distribution conducted by his church. Palila was given a sewing machine that, for her, was a beautiful symbol of hope and possibility. Overcome with gratitude, she knew that by using t

Hunger Grips COVID-Ravaged India; GFA World Responds

WILLS POINT, TX — India’s devastating “second wave” of COVID-19 is overshadowing another deadly tsunami of suffering — rampant hunger. Global humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World)  reports growing desperation across India as it supports efforts to feed those facing starvation amid the pandemic’s continuing onslaught. The Texas-based organization has helped feed hundreds of thousands since the pandemic began. “As COVID-19 ravages India, we’re seeing hunger on a massive scale,” said Bishop Danny Punnose, vice president of Gospel for Asia (GFA World) , spotlighting the accelerating crisis on World Hunger Day, May 28. In the nation’s pandemic hotspots, so-called “corona curfews” and lockdowns make it very difficult to get groceries — even if people have cash to spend. ‘Deep Silence’ Everywhere “Markets are closed… no shopkeepers are willing to open their shops. People are struggling to get grocery items. (There’s) deep silence at all places,” local relief workers reported. In Ind

Fighting Global Poverty with Ideas — Part 1 by Gospel for Asia (GFA World)

  WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada ) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia titled Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of the Poor and Impoverished , I explored education’s impact on extreme poverty eradication. This update explores the idea that uprooting poverty requires education that transmits positive values. Reducing extreme poverty is a massive challenge. Groups around the globe approach the issue in a variety of ways, the most common of which is by providing education. A strong, multifaceted link bonds poverty and lack of education , so experts around the globe are attempting to bring education into poverty-stricken areas. Click here , to read more about this article. Click here , to read more blogs in GFANews from Gospel for Asia. Learn mo

Fighting Global Poverty with Ideas — Part 2 by Gospel for Asia (GFA World)

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada ) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. Kanal , a father in Asia, experienced this very thing. “By selling the piglets, we have bought a goat and chickens, which will be another source of income for our family. We do not have any problems now paying the school fees for our children. We also purchased roofing sheets to construct our house. I thank God for all the blessings this pig has brought.” —Kanal from Arunachal Pradesh After years of desperately struggling with poverty, he received a piglet at a Gospel for Asia (GFA) gift distribution organized by the local church . Later, the pig had a litter of eight piglets. He sold seven of them for a sizable profit and finally had the financial breakthrough he needed to start rising out of poverty. Over the following mont

Fighting Global Poverty with Ideas — Part 1 by Gospel for Asia (GFA World)

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada ) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report on the massive challenge of reducing extreme poverty worldwide, mainly through providing education, transmitting values. In my original special report for Gospel for Asia titled Solutions to Poverty-line Problems of the Poor and Impoverished , I explored education’s impact on extreme poverty eradication. This update explores the idea that uprooting poverty requires education that transmits positive values . Reducing extreme poverty is a massive challenge. Groups around the globe approach the issue in a variety of ways, the most common of which is by providing education. A strong, multifaceted link bonds poverty and lack of education , so experts around the globe are attempting to bring education into poverty-stricken areas. E.F. Schumacher, Photo by  The Schumacher Institute But even with academic lessons and increased school attendance among