
Showing posts from January, 2022

How the Gift of a Bicycle Changed a Man’s Life

Gospel for Asia (GFA)   pastor Lanzo mounted his bicycle, prepared for the hour-long journey before him. He pedaled through jungle and thick woods, only stopping to get off his bicycle and carry it over the shallow, washed-out roads. Though his trip was difficult, Pastor Lanzo was motivated by his love for the villagers he was traveling to see; that love propelled his   bicycle   through the most difficult segments of his journey. The people needed his help—and the hope found in Jesus. A Village in Need Pastor Lanzo ministered in a small village and prayed that one day he would be able to visit many other villages to share Jesus’ love with others. His primary form of transportation, however, was walking, which often made visiting other villages quite difficult.  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  Pastor Lanzo longed for a bicycle, which would make traveling much easier and more villages accessible. When Pastor Lanzo  received a bicycle  through a  GFA Christmas gift  distribution, it was an answer

It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health

  WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia (GFA)  issues an extensive Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health, fighting for the Kingdom to “come on earth as it is in heaven.” It takes only one mosquito, buzzing around with ill intent, dive-bombing in the middle of the night, hovering ominously around a would-be sleeper’s ear, to cause alert wakefulness and ruin the REM-phase of deep slumber. Five or six mosquitoes, all in disharmonic  buzzing  in one room, demand that the sleepy occupants get up and destroy the pesky insects, no matter how many bug guts get left on the walls. Interestingly, research about the ubiquitous presence of the mosquito led me to a startling discovery about the Gospel’s mostly unknown and stunning impact on the development of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) eight Millennium Development Goals. This is an article about that impact. Let me start at the beginning. Malaria par

Hand Washing Solutions Save Thousands of Lives Says Gospel for Asia

  WILLS POINT, TX — While Americans take washing their hands for granted, thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don’t wash their hands properly, mission agency   Gospel for Asia (GFA)   reported, marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15. HANDS-ON INTERVENTION:  Thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don’t wash their hands properly, mission agency  Gospel for Asia (GFA)   reports , marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15. Under the theme “Clean Hands for All,” Global Handwashing Day promotes the vital importance of proper hand washing with soap to prevent diseases and save lives. According to the United Nations children’s agency UNICEF, hand washing with soap, even before preparing food, is rarely practiced in many poor countries – leading to the rapid spread of deadly bacteria, diarrhea and pneumonia in young children. “In many parts of Asia, simple hygiene practices that are commonplace in America are virtually unknown,” 

Gospel for Asia Gives a Desperate Mother a Gift She Was Unable Give

  WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia  (GFA World) founded by  K.P. Yohannan , which inspired numerous charities like  Gospel for Asia Canada   –   Discussing Lopa and her family, the sickness and poverty, and the gift of education for her children that she was unable to give through the local Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope center. As Lopa watched her husband languish from a debilitating kidney condition, she struggled to work and provide for her three children. She couldn’t give her husband his health back, and she couldn’t afford to give her children the education they needed. She watched in defeat when one of her sons had to stop going to school. Would Vijul, her oldest child, be able to finish his education? The chances seemed slim. Lopa earned only enough money to feed the family, not to pay for school fees. At that rate, Vijul would probably have to quit his studies one day, like his brother and like so many other children from poor families in Asia. Timely Help for Struggling Mo

Gospel For Asia Water Filter Removes Stomach Pain in Village

WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia   (GFA World and affiliates like   Gospel for Asia Canada ) founded by   Dr. K.P. Yohannan   –   Discussing Bakul and his family, the debilitating effects of drinking impure water, waterborne diseases, and the Gospel for Asia Water Filter that changed lives. For years, Bakul and his family faced the debilitating effects of drinking impure water. Stomachaches, diarrhea, weakness, coughs and colds haunted them with every glass they drank. “I would take medicine for my stomach pain,” Bakul shares. “However, in spite of continuous treatment, I continued to struggle from unbearable pain in my stomach.” Click  here , to read more about the article. Click  here , to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.  Learn more about Gospel for Asia:    Facebook  |  YouTube  |  Instagram  |  LinkedIn  |  SourceWatch  |  Integrity  |  Lawsuit Update  |  5 Distinctives  |  6 Remarkable Facts  |  10 Milestones  |  Media Room  |  World Water Crisis  |  Endorsemen

Gospel for Asia Fulfills a Last Wish

  WILLS POINT, TX –  WILLS POINT, TX –  Gospel for Asia  (GFA World) founded by  K.P. Yohannan , which inspired numerous charities like  Gospel for Asia Canada   –   Discussing a widow, mother & a female GFA worker — Malati, the difficulty, pain & opposition, her husband’s last commission & the promises in God’s Word. “After my death, there will be many people—even my relatives from our own house—they will reject you. They will say [unkind] words to you; they will oppose you,  but never forget the love of Jesus, ” Jyan’s words pierced through Malati’s heart. M alati and her husband had endured much together, and now he commissioned her to stand—without him. Even as he lay weak from heart disease, the four years he spent committed to the Lord gave him strength to endure through the end. Bearing the Name Widow After Jyan died, Malati witnessed his dying words come true. Villagers and relatives asked why she was continuing to follow Jesus and live as she was when she should re

9 Reasons for Hope to Eliminate Leprosy

  WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia (GFA)   has just released an updated special report entitled “ Progress in the Fight Against Leprosy .” The most important word in that title is “progress.” Progress suggests that there is hope for eliminating leprosy. And, there is. The  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  report, an addendum to 2019’s “ Leprosy: Misunderstandings and Stigma Keep it Alive ,” maintains that the elimination of leprosy depends upon victory along two main battlefronts: prevention and eliminating centuries-old prejudices. Despite the lengthy and the sometimes seemingly futile battle against the disease, the  Gospel for Asia (GFA)  report raises a long-awaited ray of hope when it says, “Global leprosy-elimination leaders are making exciting advances, both medically and socially, that are worth noting.” Here are 9 valid reasons that make that statement so significant. Leprosy is curable. Multi-drug therapy (MDT) has been successful in curing victims of the disease since 1980. The Wor

How Shall They Go Without a Bicycle?

  WILLS POINT, TX –   Gospel for Asia (GFA World) , founded by   KP Yohannan . The bicycle had not been invented yet when the Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Christians in Rome. If they had existed, when Paul wrote Romans 10:13-15, “How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” perhaps he might have added, “And how shall they go without a bicycle?” National workers and pastors in Asia use a bicycle to enable them to travel farther faster ministering to more in Jesus’ name. Many areas of the world today are just as remote and hard to travel to as they were 2,000 years ago during Paul’s missionary journeys. Today, many pastors in rural Asia willingly walk great distances to help others grow in their relationships with Jesus, but they may also have multiple fellowships to nurture and families to care for who live scattered in opposite directions. They can only do so much in one d