
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Good That Good Men & Women Do Lives on Long After They Are Gone

An Invitation to Billy Graham's Funeral , by Karen Burton Mains A few days after Billy Graham died, David, my husband, received a phone call from the Billy Graham Association. A very young voice on the end of the line informed us we were being invited to attend Billy’s funeral in Charlotte, North Carolina. We were surprised, to say the least; it has been a couple decades since we were involved in national media ministry. In the intervening years, we’ve ministered locally and quietly. As one friend commented to us, “It used to be that everyone knew who you are; now no one knows who you are.” That is true, and in some ways, a relief. So it was with some slight satisfaction to discover that our names were included on the guest list of 2,000 for this event that would mark the passing not only of a good man but one whom God had used in ways beyond human imagining. Indeed, due to the holy anointing upon Billy Graham, literally hundreds of thousands had found faith in Christ. We

The Greatest Act of the Human Will | Reflections on Maundy Thursday

The day was pregnant with anticipation, like a heavy fog hanging in the air. There was a solemnness etched in Jesus’ face that penetrated to the hearts of the disciples. The things Jesus talked about these days were more and more difficult to hear, to accept. Surely the time had come for Jesus to conquer Rome and bring the Kingdom here on earth, the disciples thought. But Jesus kept talking about disturbing things, like eating His flesh and drinking His blood. He talked about suffering and dying. He said He was going away. It just didn’t make sense. It was Thursday, the day of the Passover meal. As the disciples prepared to celebrate with Jesus every sense was heightened, as if waiting for something to happen. Jesus knew the time had come. All of human history had been waiting for this moment, and the waiting was almost done. Tomorrow would be the day He would do what He came to do. But first, today. Today to bring new things to life and old things to a close. During the Pass

It Was the Very First Time They Ever Experienced God’s Presence

Have you ever uncovered someone’s story that helped you understand where they were coming from? Many times it takes just a listening ear and a willing heart to recognize—and see beyond a face—the soul of a precious human being. Everyone has a story and many of those stories need a shoulder to lean on. Gospel for Asia-supported-workers are oftentimes these listening ears to those around them. Their loving lives are helping break through the emotional walls of individuals and families who are struggling or in great need. This is exactly what God did through GFA-supported pastor Jaldev. Uncovering Chunmay’s Story It was a mystery what that house in the middle of the village held. The secret was not immediately told to Gospel for Asia ( GFA)-supported pastor Jaldev, but a little boy from the village challenged him to find out. He said if Pastor Jaldev was a true servant of Christ and cared for others, then he would go and visit the family that lived in that house. Pastor Jaldev

Since 1993, I Have Learned to Observe Good Friday on My Knees

Holding the Broken Body of Christ , by Karen Burton Mains On Good Friday, 1993, around noon, I slipped into the chapel of the nearby Episcopal church where I prayed weekly for an hour or so and was surprised by something I saw . Someone had positioned a low table before the altar. On it was set a linen cloth, a small crucifix, a pottery chalice filled with wine, and an earthenware plate holding Communion wafers. A woman bustled in the nearby sacristy. I called out to her, “What a wonderful aid to prayer!” Often when my mind is wandering, it helps to have some token on which to fix my eyes. Postcards sent by friends are tucked in my desk organizer, a fixed point of beauty from which to build a center for concentration. “Did you arrange this?” I asked. Still finishing her tasks, she paused, calling back that the Communion elements were brought from the previous evening’s Maundy Thursday service as a reminder to keep vigil over the broken body of Christ . Then, he

Palm Sunday - Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus

Gospel for Asia (GFA), Wills Point, Texas Most of Israel’s existence has been spent surrounded by antagonistic countries both big and small. Whether in modern or biblical times, super powers like Egypt, Babylon, Assyria or Arab nations have threatened to wipe it out of existence. Or smaller harassment's like Philistine giants, terrorist bombings and daily barrages of rockets threaten the lives of its people. Despite this, the people of Israel have almost always had a hope of a deliverer. Like every nation, this hope is kindled whenever a new political party comes into power. The possibility for positive change and freedom from oppression entices the hopes and dreams of its people. Hope can easily interpret other changes as signs that deliverance may come. Take, for instance, the possibility of the U.S. embassy moving to Jerusalem. Could that be a sign that more positive things are still to come? Or what about the hope of years ago: Is this prophet going to deliver us from

Spiritual Momentum Attracts Fierce Spiritual Resistance

Momentum is not easy to capture. I am using that word to describe a force that starts to pick up steam and for a while appears to be almost unstoppable. In the religious world I would describe times of authentic revival as extended periods of incredible spiritual momentum. I am aware that some people have negative feelings about the term revival . Consequently, I am attempting to use a different word to describe those occasions when the Kingdom of God is marked by truly outstanding advances, such as what i s recorded in the book of Acts. Seasoned Christian leaders — men and women who have been around for a while — talk often among themselves, and also when they are alone, they speak with the Lord about how to recapture that dynamic the New Testament church once possessed. They also study past revival-periods to see what can be learned from our more successful predecessors. How did they capture the spiritual momentum they knew? And what are we missing that hinders us from a

How Do You Do the Lord's Work in the Lord's Way?

Jesus is our perfect example of how to do the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way . In his book Living As Jesus Lived, Zac Poonen spoke of this, saying, Jesus has not only redeemed us through His death, but also shown us through His life on earth, how God intended man to live. He is not only our Saviour but also our Forerunner (Heb. 6:20). He has given us an example of how to live at all times and in all situations, in perfect obedience to God.  Jesus did not come to earth as an angel, but like us. The Bible says, “He was made like His brothers in all things” (Heb. 2:17) (His brothers are His disciples—Matt. 12:50.) If He had not been made like us (His brothers) “in all things,” He could not have become our Example. 1 Consider the example He gave us in the Gospel of John. All throughout, we see Jesus saying, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner” (John 5:19). “I can of Myself do nothing. As

Take Time to Reflect on God's Great Love This Holy Week

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “f amiliarity breeds contempt. ” Have you ever seen someone who has just bought a new car? T he first few days and weeks and months they can be possessive and extra careful with it . In the middle of the night, w hile their wife and children are sleeping , they may even go out to the garage and see if the car is still there or if it walked away! Probably all of us have experienced this with something in our lives to some degree. We buy a new shirt or dress or pen and are very excited about our new purchase. But as time goes by, we get used to it, and i t no longer produce s the same excitement in us. We have to be careful not to let this happen when it comes to spiritual things. During this season, as we think about Easter and remember the Lord’s Resurrection with all the events leading up to it , we have to take time to intentionally think and feel, or we can easily miss what it’s all about . That’s why the Church very early o